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Real impact of increasing tempeatures








3º C





Ecosystem change Regions of Europe are suffering increases in sea level and a more extreme climate, in the form of heat waves, floods, droughts... Glaciers volume and snow covertures are decreasing. At the same time, extreme weather occurs with increasing frequency and intensity in numerous regions. Precipitation patterns are changing also.

Thaws For various reasons: natural disasters, global warming and, due to our human activity, above all, they cause meltings. If the meltings occurs, the wildlife that lives in the Arctic will die and the sea level will rise, causing flooding.

Rising sea levels It's a phenomenon that has been observed since the beginning of the 20th century. From them until today, the oceans have increased their level about 21cm. Scientists affirm that by 2050 the water level will have grown 30cm, and 69 by 2100.

Natural catastrophes Natural disasters are forming much faster with the global warming. Tornadoes become much more durable and dangerous. Earthquakes and tsunamis are destroying more and more every time, and cities have to rebuild everything those earthquakes and tornadoes have destroyed.

Disappearance of animal species The fauna of Mediterranean countries is seriously threatened by the notable rise in temperatures. 0'6º in 50 years. With an increase of 2° C many species are disappearing. Some diurnal animals are having to get used to a nocturnal activity because they feel more comfortable when temperatures drop.

Heat waves The month of July 2019 has been the hottest since temperature records exist. It has even exceeded the record established in 2016, when the phenomenon of "El Niño" raised temperatures across the planet. Some countries reached temperatures of more than 40 ° C.

Fires Altought climate change is not a cause of fire, it does explain the changes that are happening in the "new" ones. It makes worse the conditions of onset and spread. In Australia, California, Portugal and even in Spain many fires have caused thousands of people to have to be evicted from their homes.

Sea acid rise The surfeit of CO2 in the atmosphere dissolves in the sea, increasing its acidity. It prevents many organisms from forming their skeletons and can affect their physiological processes.

What is the climate change? It's a term used for the rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system. It also refers to its related effects, most of which have been observed over the last century. More than 95% of scientists are sure that nearly all of global warming is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gasses and other emissions we generate.

We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement, which must also be improved. There is no way to achieve this goal without a rapid and progressive elimination of fossil fuels, especially coal, but also oil and gas.

Possible solutions