Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Made by:Anabel, Carmen, Harshith, Rohith, Jimmy, Marco

Show its worth, save the Earth


Group 5






We are enthusiastic students from Spain, India, and Hong Kong


Video Producer







ControlNoise Levels

ProtectWater Purity

Abide by principles ofSustainable Development

PreserveNature and Biodiversity

Advocate Recycling Projects

Utilize Renewable Energy

What criteria should a GRUEN city posses?

Criteria of Our GRUEN City

wind, hydraulic, and solar energy

criteria 01

Renewable Energy

Our Designs

Hydraulic Power Generators

Wind Turbines

Solar Panels

Solar Panels

Environmental Benefits


can be generated repeatedly.


- are domestic sources of energy - supply is abundant and inexhaustible.

Can approximately reduce 10 to 11 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in the future.

Do not produce atmospheric emissions.


Reduce CO2 emission

Societal Benefits

Improves people's lives

- As long as there is sunshine, solar energy can be deployed anywhere- Useful for remote regions with no access to any other source of electricity- Independent solar systems could be deployed in remote regions- Improve the lives of millions of people.

$ 245M USD

$ 36.1B Euro

1. Enable Industry Growth

Economic Benefits

2. Excites rural areas' economy

Wind power pays landowners $245 million USD in lease payments every year.

The implementation of wind power has an ​annual economic impact of about $36.1 billion Euro on its economy.

3. Create job opportunities



Economic Benefits

Wind Vision Report: - Wind power has the potential to support more than 716,000 jobs by 2030.

National Solar Jobs Census:- In 2019, jobs in the United States solar industry increased nearly 17 times faster than the overall economy.

increasing animal agriculture sector's sustainability

criteria 02

Sustainable Development

Enhance social cohesion

social cohesion

Reinforce environmental conservation

environmental conservation

There are four main ideas in the concept of sustainable development, including:

Maintain economic development

economic development

Guarantee intergenerational equity

what is...

intergenerational equity



Sustainable Development

Social Cohesion

Economic Development


Animal agriculture

  1. Growing crops
  2. Feeding & cleaning livestock

Major consumptions of water:

Water consumption in US

Gallons of water per year in US

Hydraulic fractioning for natural gas vs the sector

100 Billion

34 Trillion

1. Comsuming a large amount of water

1500 hours

660 Gallons of water

1. Comsuming a large amount of water

  1. Transportation of crops
  2. Livestock's flatus and belch

Major emissions of GHGs:

Loss of rainforests in Amazon

Tonnes of greenhouse gas per year globally

All transportation vs the sector

6.5 Billion

25.5 Billion

2. Producing a lot of greenhouse gases

Striving a balance between economic development and environmental conservation


Implementation of sustainable agriculture

  • Ventilation system connected to an external gas processing system
  • Gases emitted by livestock can be collected
  • Glass-sealed area for livestock activities

=> Reduce carbon footprints due to transportation

  • Crops planted can be used to feed the livestock
  • Water used for cleaning livestock's body can be used to irrigate crops
  • Water can be recycled within the system

Adopting the Crop-Livestock Integration model &Utilizing the methane gas produced

Hydrogen gas can then be used in the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell

Extract hydrogen gas from methane

Demethanize the collected gas

Recycling factories and their contributions to the environment

criteria 03


Our Designs

In SimCity, we have recycling factories build as close to the urban areas as possible, so as to reduce the possible CO2 emissions due to transportation.

in SimCity

Recycling is required for conservation of meager resources. Without mechanisms of recycling, humans can be out of resources one day.

The remainaing are rare

A few hundred iscommon


Helps conserve precious natural resources

Environmental Benefits #1

Reduce CO2 emissions by 10–15 million tonnes every year

Reduced the country's carbon emissions by a net 49 million metric tonnes

United Kingdom

United States

Reduce Carbon Emissions

Reduces carbon emissions

Recycling is paramount to the reduction of carbon emissions. Let's take a look at the examples of US and UK.

Environmental Benefits #2

According to the U.S. Recycling Economic Information Study, there are over 50,000 recycling establishments that have created over a million jobs in the US.

Creates job opportunities

↑ >1 Million Jobs

Economic Benefits #1

method to dispose of household waste.

Most Efficient

A study conducted by the Technical University of Denmark found that in

of the cases, recycling is the


↓ $20 Billion USD

Helps save the cost of waste disposal

Economic Benefits #2

Stop the pollution quick, don't make the water sick

Criteria 04

Sea Protection

The European Commission estimates that emissions of air pollutants from ships cause 50,000 premature deaths annually and 60,000 million euros in health costs in the European Union.

Extra Health Costs

Premature Deaths




major problem

Maritime Transport

Sources of plastics in the sea

50-80% of turtles found dead due to ingesting plastic products

where do the plastics come from and how they destroy our ecosystem

At least

267 Species

have been entangled in plastic or have ingested plastic

Plastic Crisis

from land


Other sources



To humans:

High exposure to airpollution will causedeterioration of our verbal ability


Air pollution can causeheart disease.


Severe pollution problemcan shorten our lifespan


It is estimated that 100,000 new chemical substances have been produced and disseminated to the environment, which is toxic to living things.

Chemical Factories and Heavy Industry

To the environment:

chemical substances produced


Preserve the nature, conserve our future.

Criteria 05

Nature & Biodiversity Preservation

The biodiversity of a nation depends on its vast wilderness of living species. It also tells how enriched the nation is. The more diverse the nation's ecology is, the better the nation is.

includes the number of different organisms and their relative frequencies in an ecosystem.

* What is biodiversity?*


Black Rhino has become critically endangered.(according to WorldWildLife)

Habitat fragmentation and deforestation

Climate change

Illegal wildlife trades and poaching

Amur Leopard has become critically endangered.(according to WorldWildLife)

The Hawksbill Turtle has become critically endangered(according to National Geographic)

Intensified pollutions

we have caused

because of the

environmental degradation

HOWEVER, our world's biodiversity is


Criteria 06


In atmospheric sounding and noise pollution, ambient noise level is the background sound pressure level at a given location.

What is the noise level?

why is it important to a gruen city?

1. Helps in giving a silent and peaceful society for the people who reside. 2. High noise levels can have a harmful effect on humans as well as animals, such as:- cardiovascular effects- coronary artery diseases

Our city planning in IOTA:


Solutions & Aspirations

4. Expansion of greenery near main roads

3. Expansion of green areas

1. The green roofing design for skyscrapers

2. Planting of trees

our designs of

in city planning






purifies the air

increases biodiversity

reduces the ambient temperature


Benefits of




acts as natural noise barrier

offers healing environment

increases the feeling of well-being



Benefits of

Aerial view of IOTA

In conclusion...

Let's join the conservation of our nature TODAY

Preserving nature is the key step to withhold the biodiversity of the world.

Nature plays a key role to maintain the biodiversity of the world.

is important to every one of us


Our Nature

Thank you

With unity, we could BUILD a better community!

show its worth, save the earth

Our Report

Scan the QR Code below to check out our report, so that you can...

  • Have a deeper understanding of our group's visions
  • Know more about the detailed data about different issues
  • Have a more thourough understanding of the environmental issues
  • Show support to our hard work!