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The soil means life!

Şehit Mehmet Ali Körükçü MTAL /Students: EREN MTAL

Soil means life

Soil, dirt, mud, earth… generally this is all the sort of stuff that we’re supposed to wipe off our feet, or wash off our hands, before entering the house, sitting down to eat, or going to bed. But soil is a precious thing – without it we wouldn’t be able to grow crops and sustain life. .


Depending on where you are on the planet, it can take between 100 and 1,000 years for just one centimetre of soil to build up. Yet it can be washed or blown away in an instant, and more of it is being built over and put out of use, as cities expand

How is soil under threat?

At home

Deforestation: Tree- and plant-cover protects soil. Forest clearance on a large scale puts soil at risk of erosion and/or the leaching of nutrients from the soil by heavy rainfall or floods.


Sealing: The growth of cities puts much soil out of reach under tarmac and concrete.

Climate change: Global warming can result in more extreme weather such as flooding or drought, leading to loss of soil by water or wind.

Contaminated Soil themed film recommendations:


Teacher: Fadimana YETİŞ MEŞEStudent: Fuat MTAL
