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Welcome to London !

Choose a means of transport to begin your adventure!

The underground will take to much time, try something else!

This taxi doesn't go in the right direction!

This is not the right bus!

This taxi is already taken. Taxis are too expensive anyway!

Hyde Park was created in 1536 for hunting and it was opened to the public in 1637. It has over 4000 trees, a lake and a meadows. In the north-east corner of Hyde Park stands the Marble Arch.

Marble Arch was designed to commemorate the British victories of Trafalgar and Waterloo.

St Paul’s Cathedral is one of the largest churches in the world. To reach the dome you must climb 259 steps.

The Royal Albert Hall is a concert hall. It was opened in 1871. It was originally called the Hall of Arts and Science. Over 350 events take place at the Royal Albert Hall each year.

Tate Gallery is also called Tate Modern. It is an art museum. It is situated in a former Power Station. It was opened in 2000.

Nelson's Column is in the centre of the square. The fountains are guarded by four monumental bronze lions. At the top of the column there is a statue Admiral Nelson who commanded the British Navy during the battle of Trafalgar (won by the British).

The Tower of London used to be a Royal residence. The first parts of the Tower were built by the Normans. During World War 2 it became a prison. At all times six ravens must be kept at the Tower of London. Legend says that if anything happens to the ravens the kingdom will fall.

Westminster Abbey is where Queen Elizabeth II got coronnated in 1953. Prince William and Princess Kate got married in the Abbey.

Piccadilly Circus is famous for its big adverts. It is a big meeting point in London. The Coca-Cola advert has been on the neon lights since 1955 but the first ads were put in 1908.

The London underground is also called the "Tube". It opened in 1863 and is 402kms long.

Big Ben is actually the name of the bell inside the clock and not the name of the Tower. The bell is being renovated and doesn't ring anymore. It should be finished by 2021.

The clock tower was built between 1843 and 1858 and is 316 feet high and it is part of the Palace of Westminster.

Tower Bridge is 244 metres long and each tower is 65 metres high.

Tower Bridge was built between 1886 and 1894. More than 400 workers helped to build the bridge. Over 40000 people use Tower Bridge every day.

During World War II, St. Pancras was attacked. A 500kg bomb fell through the roof of the station and exploded.

King's Cross - St Pancras station is where the Hogwarts Express (Harry Potter) leaves. You must find platform 9 3/4 to get on the train.

Duchess Camilla is the second wife of Prince Charles. She got married with Prince Charles in 2005. She is Prince William and Prince Harry's stepmother.

Prince Philip is the Queen's husband. He is almost 99 years old. He has four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward.

Prince Charles is the future king of Great Britain! He was married to Princess Diana, the mother of William and Harry. He is now married to Duchess Camilla.

Kate Middleton is Prince William's wife. They got married in 2012 and together they have three children : George, Charlotte and Louis. Princess Kate loves fashion.

Prince William is the Queen's grandson. He works in the military. He is married to Kate and he has three children : George, Charlotte and Louis.

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#


"Translate your password." 12ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNOP7QRS8TUV9WXYZ0#

Ah! You've solved the treasure hunt! Congratulations!Let's have tea now, shall we?


You can now explore the city a little more if you want!