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The Era's latest Poet: Jonh Keats

John Keats was born London, October 31, 1795 and died in Rome on 1821 with only 25 years old because tuberculosis.On his back, he carries greatpoems like Hyperion, Endymion or Ode to a Psyche.

Characteristics of Romanticism in Britain

The Nightingales' World: Analysis

John Keats offered us a serenity feeling leading the viewer to a fantasy forest where the nightingales'sings never end, having two of the most charasteristic romantic features, the melancolic atmosphere and a link with the nature.Even thought Keats didn't introduce a new vision of writing and reading literature, he could improve the alredy-established formule creating a master piece which is always enjoyable thanks to it's childish point of view and showing while there are people who keep enterteined by olds texts, the author and his era will be alive.

  • Interest in the common man and child: believed in the natural goodness of humans.
  • Strong senses, emotions and feelings: knowledge is gained through intuition rather.
  • Awe of nature: stressed the awe of nature in art and language and the experience of sublimity through a connection with nature.
  • Celebration of the individual: elevated the achievements of the misunderstood, heroic individual outcast.
  • Imortance of imagination: legitimized the individual imagination as a critical authority.