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BEGOÑAKO Green Alliance believes in leading by example! As we endeavour to create a green world, we commit to ensuring that our own school is green! By establishing eco-friendly activities, we are helping build a safe and sustainable future for our planet. The following 10 benchmarks will help us establish our institution Green.


  • Promote projects in the school programmes educates children about the environment.
  • Organize presentations/seminars/workshops to staff about eco-practices or environmental issues.
  • Post environmental messages and tips at key locations at our institution.

2. Zero Litter

  • Encourage students to think about reducing litter in daily activities.
  • Carry out sensitisation programmes about reducing litter and the importance of clean surroundings.
  • Encourage teachers and studens to use reusable bags (through education and incentives) and make them available at our institution.

3. Waste management

  • Choose durable materials/furnishings to reduce the cost/waste associated with replacement.
  • Donate used office equipment and supplies to services organizations, churches, schools or other groups that could use them.
  • While recycling, separate waste into glass, metals, plastics and paper/cardboard. Have properly labelled waste bins at appropriate locations on the school.
  • Encourage composting of organic waste for reuse in landscaping activities.


  • Conduct an energy audit of your organization to understand where most energy is being used and how you can cut back.
  • Switch out standard lights with compact fluorescent lights (CFL) or Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights. They are more economical, save energy and last longer than a regular light.
  • Reduce travel to meetings by encouraging online meetings and teleconferencing.
  • Plan deliveries and other transportation activities carefully to reduce the need to drive.
  • Fix any leaky faucets, showerheads or toilets immediately.
  • Ask staff or students to report any leaks immediately to the facilities team.
  • Replace full-flush toilets with low-flush toilets that use significantly less water than regular flush toilets.
  • Replace standard shower heads with a low flow aerated shower heads. This provides the same water pressure but uses half a gallon less water a minute.

5. Water Conservation

6. Avoid Plastic Pollution

  • Educate students about the dangers of plastic bags.
  • Reuse garbage bags in cubicle bins by emptying all garbage into one bag at the end of the day.
  • Purchase biodegradable plastic bags instead of regular plastic bags.
  • Use reusable, durable containers or bags for storage instead of plastic bags.
  • Encourage the use of reusable/washable dishware and cutlery at events and programmes organised by the institution.
  • Encourage staff to bring their own mugs for coffee or te.


  • If possible develop an organic vegetable garden within the campus of your institution.
  • Create a healthy food policy for your institution.
  • Provide professional development opportunities for teachers/parents and other support staff to teach and promote healthy eating and being active.
  • Involve students/parents/staff in guiding food policy and practice within the institution and enable them to contribute to healthy eating, and act on their feedback. Encourage staff/students/parents to develop healthy eating habits and the benefits of eating organically produced food.


  • Plan a field day for students to get out, explore and appreciate the local environment.
  • Volunteer with the local department staff in your region to participate and organise programmes that protect endangered species of flora and fauna.
  • Organise/Participate in tree plantations in the neighbourhood or region. Sponsor an environmental challenge/competition for a community.
  • Clean your local water bodies, forest lands and other habitats in your locality.


  • Encourage the use of environmentally friendly products & promote locally produced products
  • Purchase products packaged in minimal or biodegradable packaging.
  • Have clearly defined operational procedures and standards and train staff in order to reduce unnecessary/careless errors or use of materials.
  • Avoid unnecessary purchases for the office/business; all purchases eventually become waste.
  • Plan operations carefully to use the minimum inputs/materials possible.
  • Buy materials in concentrate or in bulk when possible to reduce on packaging waste.
  • Buy products that are reusable, returnable or refillable.


10. Green Committee

  • Promote Eco-clubs in the Institution Sponsor a programme/club that educates children about the environment.
  • Post environmental messages/reminders at the institution.
  • Organize presentations/seminars/workshops to staff about eco-practices or environmental issues.
  • Post environmental messages and tips at key locations at your institution.