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Portuguese school system and our school

1. School timetable;2. classroom rules;3. school break;4. school calendar;5. lunch and after school clubs;6. school system;7. Inclusion education system;8. school equipment;9. subjects;10. uniforms;11. registration;12. classroom language.


1. School timetable

1 . Be assiduous and punctual; 2. Silence in class; 3. Take off the cap and turn off the mobile phone, before entering the classroom;5. Sit properly without dragging chairs or other material; 6. Be alert; 7. Raise your arm and wait for your turn to speak; 8. Do not drink, eat or chew gum; 9. Respect the teacher and colleagues;10. bring the necessary material for the functioning of the discipline; 11. Keep the classroom clean and tidy; 12. Do not put backpacks on the table;13. Leave the room neatly, noiselessly and only after the teacher's permission.

2. classroom rules

We have some school breaks throughout the year. The first is at Christmas (two weeks); then at Carnival (three days); Easter (two weeks) and finally summer (two months). We also have some national and religious celebrations.

3. School Break

We have lunch in the canteen and so do eachers. Our school has sports activities such as futsal, golf, swimming, among others.

Our school year is divided into three terms, in portuguese "períodos". This academic year school has started on September the 14th and will finish on June the 15th. So, the first term begins in the middle of September until end December. Then, the second term starts and ends before Easter. Finally, the third term that will finish by the end of June.

4. school calendar

5. lunch and after school clubs

Education in Portugal is compulsory from 6 to 18 years old. Compulsory Education is divided into stages: basic education and secondary school. Basic education is divided into 3 cycles: primary school, 2nd cycle and 3rd cycle. Secondary school is divided into three years. Students can choose to take professional courses

6. school system

The country started being considered a reference from 2008, with the Legal Regime of Inclusive Education, which established the presence of students with difficulties in the regular school. It is an innovative proposal in three aspects. First, it is not only for Special Education and Special Education Needs but also for any student who may need support. On the other hand, this support can be of three types: universal measures (which use only the resources available at school), selective measures (which are recruited when universal ones are not sufficient) and additional measures (for more complex cases involving deeper changes in the curriculum). The second aspect has to do with the creation of Learning Support Centers with teachers, psychologists and therapists, among other professionals in schools who organize measures to support the education of all. Finally, the third aspect deals with the multidisciplinary teams who are responsible for the characterization of the students and the proposal of learning measures.

The country began to be considered a reference from 2008, with the Lega Regime of Inclusive Education, which established the presece of students with difficulties in the regular school. It is an innovative proposal in three aspects. First, it fails to refer to Special Education and SEN as any student may need support. In turn, this support can be of three types: universal measures (which use only the resources available at school), selective measures (should be recruited when universal ones are not sufficient) and additional measures (for more compromised cases involving deeper changes in the curriculum). The second aspect has to do with the creation in schools of Learning Support Centers, with teachers, psychologists and therapists, among other professionals, who organize measures to support the education of all. Finally, the third aspect deals with the multidisciplinary teams, responsible for the characterization of the students and who propose the measures for learning.

7. Inclusion education system

8. school equipment

Students do not wear uniforms. In primary wear gowns.

  • 10. uniforms

9. subjects

Registration is made at the end of the school year and it is automatically renewed

11. registration

12. classroom language.