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Mind mapping



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https://popplet.com/ >>> Cliquer sur "Try it out" "We do not collect any private information about users beyond the basic login information (unlike Facebook or Gmail) when using an account, and no information is collected with the demo popplet. Yes, it is fine to share and use the images from popplet. We ask that if being distributed or reproduced, the images are credited with "source: popplet.com". " Support Popplet

https://popplet.com/ >>> Cliquer sur "Try it out" We do not collect any private information about users beyond the basic login information (unlike Facebook or Gmail) when using an account, and no information is collected with the demo popplet. Yes, it is fine to share and use the images from popplet. We ask that if being distributed or reproduced, the images are credited with "source: popplet.com". Support Popplet

"Try Bubbl.us without signing in" https://bubbl.us/ Bubbl.us - brainstorm and mind map onlineThis is a Bubbl.us mind map. A mind map is a graphical representation of ideas and concepts. It's a visual thinking tool for structuring information,...Bubbl