Action Plan
Upgrade 10 clients to a paid stand alone Security Offering
in 90 days
in 90 days
Action Plan
Action Plan
Action Plan
Action Plan
Action Plan
Account Manager
Get in front of 5 prospects and close 3 deals with $5.000 MRR
in 90 days
in 90 days
Adopt your Technology Standards with 90% of your clients
in 90 days
in 90 days
Technical Account Manager
All of our key clients are proactively engaged in a strategic way
in 90 days
in 90 days
Close 3 paid vCIO agreements with $3.000 MRR
in 90 days
in 90 days
Close $100.000 project revenues in 90 days
Choose a role, set a "smart" goal and achive it by executing a defined action plan with a partner help
Get results with S.M.A.R.T Goals and action plans