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We use indefinite pronouns for people, things and places without saying exactly who, what or where they are.

somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

something anything nothing everything



somebody anybody nobody everybody someone anyone no one everyone


- Does anybody want cake?- Everybody loves the new puppy.- Tell me when something happens.- Everyone wants to go to the party.


They are singular words, so we use a singular verb with them.

- Everyone I know likes this TV programme.- I've looked everYwhere for my keys, but I can't find them.- Everything he said to me is true.


When we talk about all of the people, places or things without saying exactly what they are, we use EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, EVERYTHING.

- Someone phoned earlier but they didn't leae a message.- I left my bicycle somewhere near here.- I'm sure I have forgotten something important.


When we want to talk about a person, place or thing that we don't know or that isn't important, we use SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, SOMETHING.

We use SOME + BODY/THING/WHERE in positive sentences: - I have something to tell you. - We can find somebody who can help. - There's something in the bag. - Let's go somewhere this weekend.


We can use SOMEBODY, SOMETHING and SOMEWHERE in questions when they are offers or requests, or when we think the answer is "yes": - Are you looking for something? - Would you like something to eat?


We can also use ANYONE, ANYTHING and ANYWHERE in positive sentences when we mean "it doesn't matter who, which or where": - You can have anything you'd like in the shop. - We can go anywhere you want on holiday.


We use ANY + BODY/THING/WHERE in negative sentenecs and questions: - I don't have anything in my bag. - I can't find anybody who can help. - Is there anything in the bag? - We didn't go anywhere this weekend.


NOBODY = NOT ANYBODY NOTHING = NOT ANYTHING NOWHERE = NOT ANYWHERE - I dont' know anyone who is coming = I know nobody who is coming. - There isn't anything here = There is nothing here. - She doesn't want to go anywhere = She wants to go nowhere.


EVERYBODY = ALL THE PEOPLE EVERYTHING = ALL THE THINGS EVERYWHERE = ALL THE PLACES These can be used in positive and negative sentences, and questions: - I think she has been everywhere in Europe. - He doesn't know everything. - Do you know everybody here?


Dunya Martínez