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Courtship, marriage and social life in the 18th century

Marriage shifted forom social conventions to ones choosing their own partner. Courtship was solely excersised when the social situation requried it, but with the rise of romanticism this began to dissapear.

Courtship and marriage

*In the eighteenth century*

Why to get married?

  • Gain lands and money for your family.
  • Cement alliances between families.
  • Being old and having low income.
  • Because of the drowry.

The lower class people was ridiculized and pitied when trying to scale in the wealth ladder.

There were two classes: The lower class (rural families) and The rich and wealth.

What was it like?

Social life

Both upper and lower classes wanted to gain land and property. Marriage was to be an arrangement for both families to win. Courtship was only neccesary for social standarts and what would people say.

Business deal


Good upbringing. Gentelman and well of tradesman.

Freeholders. Worked their own land.



15% of the population.. Shopkeepers, artisians and tradesman.

Aristocracy and squires

Middle Class

Wealthy Landowners

Worked in rural areas, did menial jobs, and the “urban laboring poor,” who worked in the country side.

25% of the population.

Labouring poor.

Thank you!