Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Luca Agostino

Erasmus+ Digital scenography

Programming and interactive scenography

Math and figurative arts

Two different approaches

  • Interaction between machines and actors
  • Programming codes
  • Large autonomy of students (once the bases are learnt)
  • Maths and art: colors, music, words
  • Use of curves and surfaces
  • Links between text and mathematical representation
  • Dynamic mouvements and geometrical transformations

Software: Interaction with computer video

Software: Programming cards

Hardware: Arduino circuits

Programming and interactions

Classical exemples of exercices for students

  • Build a traffic light
  • Detecting mouvements
  • Build a termometer
  • Build robots

Arduino is an open sources project. - Electronic Circuits - Digital to Analogic or inverse- Interactions between physics and electronics- Programming and automatization

The Arduino card

  • Buy Arduinos for students
  • Install softwares at school (buy a dedicated computer?)
  • Decide what to do for the first idea of surfaces (maybe wait the text?)
  • Test the interface with Max software
  • Speak with the teather and see if there could be problematic to do this

What to do before students

  • Bought a first Arduino card with sensors and tested at home
  • Downloaded Max software
  • Started to learn Max software

Status of art

Thanks for you attention!

Thanks for you attention!