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Click to learn more. Information from Age UK Winter Wrapped Up Guide.





requirements for a healthy winter

for a Welsh person over 65





Loneliness among elderly people is an issue so widespread in the modern UK that the NHS is actively working to combat it. Elderly people often need to become better acquainted with technology so that they can enjoy video calls with loved ones when the weather inhibits their ability to attend social gatherings. The can also participate in organised coffee hours through Age Cymru and other charities, which can arrange for elderly people acquainted with each other when the weather is cold. Without this time, winter depression can be particularly severe.

Winter can mean cold air and icy roads, sometimes affecting pavement, driving conditions, and public transportation. For those over 65 who visit the shop regularly, complications can mean an inability to get food. That's why it's important to store extra food in cans and freezers to prepare for the days when food is hard to access. Eating well is particularly important for those over 65, whose bodies require insulation and fuel to fend off viruses. Unfortunately, stocking up on food requires extra spending in autumn.

Angharad Phillips of Age Cymru emphasises that while a flu jab is important for everyone, it's especially so for elderly people. Getting the flu can lead to pneumonia and other complications which, for those over 65, can be significant or even fatal.

Age Cymru information packets come with free room thermometers for those over 65 in Wales--the one pictured here lives on the wall of the Age Cymru Gwynedd a Môn office in Caernarfon. Older bodies need to stay warm at all times, as breathing in cold air increases their risk of respiratory illnesses, heart attacks, and strokes. The thermometers help them keep living areas at around 20 degrees and bedrooms at around 18. But all of this hinges on proper insulation, gas or electric heating, or firewood--all of which cost extra money.