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eTwinning Ambassador

Sara Brunno

workshop#SML4Cfor your eTwinning School

Can eTwinning be a strategic choice for a Social Media Literacy strategy?

  • We are going to explore how to implement eTwinning in a Social Media Literacy strategic plan for your eTwinning school.
  • A strategic plan tailored on a specific eTwinning school will be presented
  • You will be invited to express your feedback and reflect on the steps of a Social Media Literacy strategy to adapt to your own eTwinning school


Workshop: #SML4C Strategic Plan Bruxelles, 23-25 ottobre 2018

“There is no favorable wind for the sailor who doesn’t know where to go” (Seneca)

  • www.europeanschoolnetacademy.eu/web/social-media-literacy-for-change

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media.CHANGEin the way people learn, read and share information and contentMESSAGE is no longer the "one to many" type, but a "peer" type: multiple broadcasters with a high level of Interaction..

SOCIAL MEDIA definition

go to www.menti.com and use the code


Associate a noun, an adjective, a verb or a short phrase

Let's work out a definition together


  • Learn to think critically
  • Become a smart consumer of products and information
  • Recognise point of view
  • Create media reponsibly
  • Identify the role of media in our culture
  • Understand the content creator/author’s goals
  • Be safer online
  • Be able to (fully) participate in the information society


Why a #SML4C?

The need to prepare our students to social life, employment and citizenship in the digitally networked world outside the classroom



the benefits digital technology can offer within the classroom, constructivist, student-centred pedagogical approaches, collaboration and full-participation


  • Certified Cambridge International School IGCSE exams in Maths, Physics, Science, Computer Science, Sociology, Global Perspectives, English, French
  • Olympics in all scientific subjects
  • Resource center for cyberbullying and inclusivity

it is well-renowned in our local area because it has a long tradition and high-quality standards.

Old school founded in 19241107 students120 teachers

  • Scientific
  • Applied Sciences
  • Human Sciences
  • Socio-economics

Liceo Scientifico e delle Scienze Umane "O.M. Corbino"Siracusa - Italy

Organize workshops in our school (Spring campaign)

Embed eTwinning effectively in Erasmus+ KA1 Staff, KA1 Youth and KA2 partnerships

Inform, share and disseminate to other teachers from other schools especially lower secondary into a vertical curriculum

Embed eTwinning in the innovative methods encouraged by National Plan for Digital schools

Get some Quality Labels and disseminate

Do eTwinning projects and try to involve more colleagues

eTwinning School



Risk assessment

SWOT Analysis


Budget and resources




Tactics and implementation plan


Strategic Goals




Situational Analysis


SML Strategic Plan


Both teacher and students need to learn more about collaborative approches to learning

Teachers need to open up to innovative teaching methods, to network, to access to open resources and CPD

Point 4

Students need to contribute more actively to online communities and produce original content creatively

Point 3

Reading skills need to be reinforced, more critical attitude towards online content

Point 2

Bullying and cyberbullying is contained but sometimes hate speech need to be controlled

Point 1

Situational Analysis

Students use SM for prsonal purpose not much for learning


EUROPEAN COMMISSIONSELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational Technologies)

Students' interviews on Social Media Use

Conversations with key position staff on the needs of a Social Medai literacy strategy in our school

Survey on teachers' digital and social media competence Google form

TOOLS to analize SM context and situation

Let's reflect on the SM situation in your schoolWrite your notes and share within your group:

  • What are the top 3 uses of social media at school?
  • Are social media being actively used to learn (rather than to communicate) at school? Why? Why not?
  • What are the most common rules, agreements about the (non) use of social media at school?
  • What are the top 3 challenges schools face nowadays as regards the use of SM at school?

Social Media in your school

"Our school guarantees the exercise of students' right to achieve formative success and to the best self-realization in relation to individual characteristics according to the principles of fairness and equal opportunities. In the course of a long-life learning process, embedding itself into a significant phase of the students’ growth, such as adolescence, full of transformations and problems, our school curriculum contributes to the balanced development and improvement of basic cultural preparation by strengthening the mastery of those skills which enable students to keep pace with cultural, technological and scientific progress, preparing to face university studies in all sectors and the demands of the complex society and the global professional world with the necessary competence.”

Our Mission


Social media literacy for the 21st Century:the ability to communicate competently and responsibly in all media forms as well as to access, understand, analyse, evaluate and participate with creativity to our contemporary social media culture


• Think critically and be creative

• Respect and promote inclusiveness

• Be competent and aim at quality

Our school values

  • Collaborate for mutual support


Your SML strategy: values and vision

Values refer to the tight set of core behaviours that everyone shares, understands and embraces at your organisation (e.g. “learn everyday” or “improve continuously”).

The vision statement is the anchor point of any strategic plan and will guide the direction of the rest of your plan. It summarises a desired future state.

A mission statement is a short statement of an organization's purpose, identifying the goal of its operations: what kind of product or service it provides, its primary customers or market, and its geographical region of operation.











Only a layout as an example


In groups with similar situation analysis create your SWOT activity, choose a colour for your postit and place it on Miro SML SWOT analysis

SWOT activity

Creative contribution and production in SM

Active and democratic participation and civic collaboration in SM

Responsible access and critical evaluation of information and digital content




3 focus areas

Focus Areas are the foundation stones of your strategy. They expand on your Vision Statement and start to create some structure around how to get your organization to achieve its goals. (e.g. 1) national expansion, 2) proud and happy customers, etc.Tips: Focus on 2-3 areas Start with an adjective. Keep them short (safe SM behaviour) No longer than 5 words each. It needs to be simple and memorable. Not too broad: Don’t create broad Focus Areas like ‘Be more social media literate’. This doesn’t help you to focus at all! No jargon: Avoid ambiguous terms like ‘maximize’ or ‘succeed’ – state your outcomes, i.e. what you are trying to achieve, not how you are going to do it. No metrics: Don’t add specific targets or metrics to your Focus Areas. Keep things high level for now, but still, outcome focused.

Focus Area definition

Reference to DigComp 2.1

  • Objectives or goals are the backbone of your strategy
  • They break up your strategic goals into manageable projects which allow you to achieve these goals
  • They require a metric and time frame
  • Goals are tied to your vision and they should reflect the situational analysis you have done


  • High-level goals of your SML strategic plan
  • Specific objective that will help you to actualize one or more focus areas
  • Should be specific and contain where possible a metric and a deadline
  • E.g.: Increase weekly users to the school website, from 300 to 400 by the 31/06/2019.
  • SMART: Specific Measurable Actionable Relevant Time-bound

Strategic goals definition


  • GOAL 2A.1 select and manipulate appropriate digital technologies to share data, information and digital content
  • GOAL 2A.2 select digital services (social networks) in order to participate in society
  • GOAL 2A.3 select and use appropriate digital technologies to empower myself and to participate in society as a citizen
  • GOAL 2A.4 select and use digital tools and technologies for collaborative processes
  • GOAL 2A.5 discuss and apply behavioural norms and know-how while using digital technologies and interacting in digital environments
  • GOAL 2A.6 discuss, plan and adopt communication strategies adapted to an audience and discuss cultural and generational diversity aspects to consider in digital environments

Focus 2 GOALS (students)

  • GOAL 2B.1 Prepare teachers to use digital technologies to engage in collaboration with other educators, sharing and exchanging knowledge and experience, and collaboratively
  • innovating pedagogic practices
  • GOAL 2B.2 Prepare teachers to use digital sources, resources, networks, LMS for continuous professional development
  • GOAL 2C.1 Plan learning activities, assignments and assessments which require learners to effectively and responsibly use digital technologies for communication, collaboration and civic participation

Focus 2 GOALS (teachers)

  • 2A.1 Students will collaborate in creative writing projects using collaborative tools for writing
  • 2A.2 Students will create a Facebook page for the project and some of them will manage and supervise it
  • 2A.3 Students and teachers will create their personal accounts in Twitter and organize a PLN Professional Learning network
  • 2A.4 Designed learning activity, assignment and assessment to collaborate and cooperate in eTwinning
  • 2A.5 Designed learning activity, assignment and assessment on awareness of social interactions (posts and comments) and netiquette
  • 2A.6 Designed learning activity, assignment and assessment to identify and avoid hate speech

Focus 2: Activities (students)

  • 2B.1 eTwinning workshops and webinars for teachers
  • 2B.2 Interact in eTwinning Live and get ready to start eTwinning projects on global citizenship topics and democratic participation
  • 2C.1 Work collaboratively in the TwinSpace with teachers and students of schools in other countries

Focus 2: Activities (teachers)


Thank you!