Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Wright Brothers

By Sheila Arias 5ºB.

Wilbur Wright

- Where was he born?He was born on April 16th, 1867, Millville, Indian.-When did he died?He died on May 30, 1912, Ohio, Dayton.

Orville Wright

- When was he born? He was born on August 19, 1871, Dayton, Ohio. - When did he die?He died on January 30, 1948, Dayton, Ohio.

What did they invent?

They invented, built and flew the world's first airplane. The first flight was on 17 as December as 1903 at Kitty Hawk.

Charles Edward Taylor

  • The advancement of the brothers was the creation of a three-axis control system, which allowed the pilot to steer the aircraft effectively and maintain its balance.
  • They developed powerful engines using a small wind tunnel built at home .
  • They collected information to desing more efficient wings and propellers.
  • The brothers acquired mechanical skills by working for years at their Dayton, Ohio-based store, with printing presses, bicycles, engines and other machines.
  • The employee of his workshop, Charles Edward Taylor, became an important part of the team, building his first airplane engine in collaboration with the brothers.

How did they invent it?

  • They were seven brothers (Wilbur Wright, Katharine Wright, Orville Wright, Lorin Wright, Reuchlin Wright, Ida Wright, Otis Wright).
  • Their mum was Susan Catherine Koerner.
  • Their dad was Milton Wright.

Milton Wright

Susan Catherine Koerner

Their family

Biography of the Wright Brothers

The End