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Juan Fernando Jiménez Calderón


1. The crisis of 19891.1. Phases of the crisis of 19892. The crisis of the Restoration2.1. The problem of Morocco and the start of the 1st World War2.2. The crisis of 1917 and the General Crisis2.3. The definitive crisis of the canovist system2.4. The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera2.5. The fall of the dictatorship and the end of the monarchy3. The Second Republic3.1. Reformist Biennium3.2. Conservative biennium3.3. Triumph of the Popular Front4. The Spanish Civil War4.1. The causes of the Civil War4.2. The beginnings of the Civil War4.3. The nazi and fascist support4.4. The end of the Civil War and consequences, chronological axis5. Francoist dictatorship5.1. Introduction of the Regime5.2. First phase- autarky and isolation5.3. Second phase of the Francoism5.4. Last phase of the Regime, end of the dictatorship6. The Transition6.1. The first elections and consensus policy6.2. The 23-F and the consolidation of the democracy7. Bibliografía





The crisis of 1898 represents the start of the Restoration system crisis. While Europe is living a peaceful and development period, Spain cannot resist the pressure of the northamerican imperialism. As a consequence of the loss of the last Spanish colonies, Spain will live one of the most grave crisis of its existence: the 98' crisis.
















Tragic Week of Barcelona

The Crisis of the Restoration is a period that begins in 1902, with the start of the reign of Alfonso XIII, being sixteen years old, son of Alfonso XII and Maria Cristina of Habsburgo-Lorraine. His reign was characterized by political and social instability, in which successive changes of government were unable to cope with the continuing problems. For this reason, the King had to take an active role in politics and become an intermediary of the crisis. The crisis of the dynastic parties is the reflection of that instability.Let's briefly look at the evolution of the political situation until 1917. Maura pushed for the modernization of the country, especially in the industrial sector, while at the same time wished to end with the caciquism. But, due to the growing social upheaval, he presents a plan against terrorism that had to be withdrawn under the pressure of the so-called Left Block. But, as a consequence of the development of the , the King ceases him.

Maura is succeeded by Canalejas, liberal leader of a progressive nature, whose work revolved around the suppression of the consumption tax, compulsory military service, improvements in public education and the fight for freedom of cult. Acts in Morocco, occupying some places to cut the progress of the French towards Fez and Tangier. But it did not satisfy neither conservatives (who hated him), nor the left, nor the labor and agrarian forces. An anarchist murders him in 1912, in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid. His position is held by the Count of Romanones. Until 1917 there were no relevant events, only the sucesion of the conservative (with Eduardo Dato) and liberal (Romanones and García Prieto) governments, with frequent crises and confrontations. From 1917, the traditional parties are split into small groups, ending the peaceful turn.



The problem of Morocco began shortly after the colonial disaster of 1898, in a series of possessions that Spain possessed on the Rif coast: Chafarinas islands, Peñón de Alhucemas, Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, Ceuta and Melilla (the so-called Spanish Morocco) . Several Spanish mining companies begin to exploit the iron in that area, which causes the Riffa kabylas to begin attacking the Spanish workers. The decision to send the reservists to war triggered the Tragic Week of Barcelona (end of July 1909). The First World War broke out in 1914, and the neutrality of Spain meant a good economic development, since the participating countries demanded raw materials, food and industrial products. But, it also had negative effects: - The external demand caused internal shortages, as well as a sharp rise in prices. - The economic growth was speculative and barely transformed or modernized the Spanish productive system. It will give rise to a serious economic crisis, and to large social mobilizations.




In 1917 Spain suffers a serious crisis in which various forces intervene: the Catalanism, the army, the republican parties and the proletarian parties or forces. The aforementioned subsistence crisis also influenced. Three events will highlight: The Defense Boards: were military associations of medium and low ranking, which emerged in Barcelona between officers of Infantry and Cavalry, and which will require corporately from the Government basic changes in the military organization. The Assembly of Parliamentarians: thus, with the appointment of Eduardo Dato as head of the Government and the measures taken in the face of the reigning crisis, the protest of a social, military and political nature arises. The general idea was clear: to achieve a true democracy in Spain.The General Strike of 1917: the protagonists were the workers' forces (UGT and CNT), which during the last two years had multiplied the strikes. Although their objectives were different, in March 1917 they had signed a joint manifesto (CNT and UGT-PSOE), threatening the Government with the General Strike if it did not solve the subsistence problem.



Political crisis: The division of the dynastic parties into multiple factions motivated the parcelling of the Congress, without there being a majority government: there were only management, to approve budgets. Social crisis: Spanish society suffered a series of convulsions to highlight: - The oligarchy, with great economic and social power, exerted a great influence on the rural environment through caciquism. - The bourgeoisie, which already stood out in areas such as Madrid and Catalonia, accepted political reforms; but not the economic and social ones, because they hurt him. - The middle classes, little politically aware, allowed the canovista system. - The anarchists and socialists are mobilized to achieve better living conditions. The first lead the protests, as the Socialists lost strength with the crisis of 1917.



A series of causes gave rise to the military event: - The discrepancy between public opinion and politics. - The division of political parties into factions. - The confrontation between the Church and the liberals on the issue of religious freedom. - The violence of the anarchists, the discontent of the army and the unsustainable Catalan environment, of separatist ideas.

A confrontation during the Catalan Day between separatists and police precipitated the coup, which began in Barcelona. With the support of Zaragoza and Madrid, the pronouncement was consummated on the night of September 12 to 13, 1923, and Primo delivered his Manifesto to the press in Barcelona. It exposes and clarifies the urgent issues that must be resolved. Once the event is known, the division between the ministers arises. Alfonso XIII was in San Sebastian.He waits until the 14th to travel to Madrid. He calls the Government, but it resigns. For this reason, he instructs Primo de Rivera to form a Government (against the Constitution). With this decision, Primo de Rivera becomes military dictator and unique, swears the position of president and assists a Military Directorate. In the first months, a series of decrees was published aimed at establishing the bases for the functioning and organization of the new regime. Later they complete the reforms: - Political regeneration. - At the national level, he dissolves the two Chambers. - Fight against Caciquism. - Restriction of freedoms.


From the beginning of the regime, P. de Rivera proposed creating a civil support organization, which served his propaganda purposes. This is how he created the Patriotic Union, and its origins are linked to Catholicism and agrarian conservatism. The type of association proposed responds to the idea of a single party, similar to the fascist party created by Mussolini. Among its objectives are: - Transfer to civilian hands functions that the army was performing, thus avoiding its wear. - Find collaborators for the reconstruction of the Administration with addicts to the regime. - Provide the dictatorship with an instrument to relate it to the people (as a support base).

The need for experts in economics, civil law, etc., led him to look for collaborators outside the military circles and incorporate civilians, that is, it was a matter of replacing the military dictatorship with a civil one (ministers like Calvo Sotelo). Thus begins the implementation of a corporatist regime, based on the intervention of the state as an arbitrator in social conflicts, seeking a revolution from above to avoid a true revolution from below. He sought the support of the most moderate sectors of workerism, establishing relations with the PSOE and UGT; while harshly repressing the anarchism of the CNT and communism of the PCE. The legislation in social matters had a paternalistic character, but it was positive. The Labor Code of 1926 regulated contracts, labor courts and accident insurance. This was complemented by subsidies to large families, maternity insurance and regulations to support emigrants.



The Dictatorship was supported by many people at the beginning, who considered it a transitory phase, but after the initial exaltation, an opposition between the different sectors of Spanish opinion grew: - The Republicans constitute in 1926 the Republican Alliance, based on the union of the different antidinásticos groups. - In the labor field, the CNT had been repressed harshly, reason why it had to organize in the clandestinity. - Intellectuals systematically opposed the dictatorship. In 1924, Unamuno is exiled to Fuerteventura and Blasco Ibáñez criticizes the monarchy. - The army conspired with the politicians to overthrow the regime.

A partir de 1929, la situación se agravó con la crisis económica a nivel mundial (Wall Street). Una balanza comercial desequilibrada y una Hacienda deficitaria, debido al aumento del gasto público ocasionado por la política económica del régimen, ocasionó la pérdida del valor de la peseta. En vista del escaso apoyo recibido, y dado que estaba enfermo, el general dimitió el 28 de enero de 1930; muriendo unos meses después en París, durante su exilio. Esa dimisión no agradó al rey, con el que no se había contado. Alfonso XIII encargó a varias personas a formar Gobierno, pero ninguno de ellos lo consiguió, debido a los triunfos de las coaliciones republicano-socialistas que se habían formado.Al proclamarse los resultados de las elecciones generales organizadas por J. Bautista Aznar, el 14 de abril de 1931, con el pueblo en las calles, Alfonso XIII abandona España cayendo el último pilar de la Restauración y proclamándose la Segunda República en España.


The second republic



The Second Spanish Republic was the politic regime established the second time in Spain, named this way to differentiate it from the First Spanish Republic, that took place in the years 1873-74. The Second Republic was chosen in a pacific a democratic way, being proclamed the 14th April 1931, replacing the monarchy of Alfonso XIII, and living on until 1936.




triumph of the popular front

Conservative biennium

Left-wing parties grouped and formed the Popular Front, that won the elections of 1936. Manuel Azaña was named president of the Republic again. This phase ended with the beginning of the Civil Spanish War in July of the same year, and supposed the end of the Republic.

The opposite segments of the Republic tried to put an end to the republican-socialist coalition, and in autumn of 1933, Manuel Azaña finally resigned. New elections in November gave the government to the Radical Republican Party, led by Alejandro Lerroux.

The government was led by Manuel Azaña, and it consisted mostly of republican and socialist people, which objective was to do some reforms to modernise the Spanish society.

reforming biennium

The period of the Republic is divided mainly into 3 different phases:

phases of the republic


Reformist biennium


As I have explained before, the Reformist Biennium is a period characterised by the reforms that Manuel Azaña, as the president of the government, that are the following ones: - Religious reform: it consisted on limting the power and control of the Church, their properties are confiscated and the priests were forced to pay taxes, like every citizen. - Army reform: its objective was to create a professional army, that promissed its adhesion to the Republic. The Assault Guard was created. - Agrarian reform: it consisted on a serie of decrees that pretended to help the renters and the peasants that didn't own land properties. The Agrarian Reform Law was developed, and its objective was the expropriation without compensations of the high nobility. - Centralist State reform: it consisted on the faculty of all that regions that had nacionalist feelings to create an own organization and to acceed to the autonomy. On this way, the Autonomy Statute of Catalonia was promulgated, giving room to the Generalitat. It was an own government of Catalonia with social, cultural, educational and economical competences.




With the resignation of Manuel Azaña, new elections took part in November of 1933. These were the first elections into which women could vote. The majority of votes was obtained by the CEDA, the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right-wing. The government power was given to the Radical Republican Party, led by Alejandro Lerroux. This period of two-years-time was known as the Black Biennium. During this phase of the Republic, Spain returned to the situation before 1931, due to the cancellation of all the reforms approved in the Reformist Biennium. Some revolutions took part in Spain, as the revolution of Asturias. The consequences of these revolutions was the increase of influence in the government, Gil Roble was named as minister of Defence and Francisco Franco was named as Head of State.But, in 1935, a new crisis period broke out. The Lerroux government was dimissed, due to some corruption cases and it loss of credibility. In february new government elections took part.


triumph of the popular front


The Popular Front was formed by left-wing parties, and they obtained the majority in the elections called in 1936. Manuel Azaña was proclamed president of the government again, and Santiago Casares Quiroga leader of government.Their mainly actions were the absolution of the prisoners of the 1934 revolution, the approval of the Catalonian Statute that was cancelled before, and they moved Francisco Franco to the Canary Islands and Emilio Mola to Navarre to avoid military rebellions.The 14th July, the right-wing leader Calvo Sotelo was assasinated by a left-wing group of people, and caused the start of the Spanish Civil War the 17th July 1936.


The spanish civil war


The causes of the civil war


Separatist causes

Social causes

Some regions as Catalonia and the Basque Country had some autonomous thoughts. They wanted to be an independent state, due to the ineptitude of the governments to search new markets to the Catalonian industry.

In the peninsula it existed a high level of confrontation between left-wing people and right-wing people. The violence threats of the left and right wings were continuous. There was also a high debility and inestability of the different governments.

Spain was a profund delayed country, with few industries, a poor peasantry and with agrarian problems without being solved. Most of the lands were part of the Church or the nobility. These injustices made differences and conflicts.

Economical causes

The Civil War was due to three different causes:

Causes of the civil war

The beginnings of the civil war


The 17th July 1936, four days after the murder of Calvo Sotelo, the General Francisco Franco led an uprising in the Canary islands. This was the beginning of a bloody civil war between two fronts: the left-wing people, supported by France, Russia and England, and in the other band, th right-wing people, supported by the Italy of Mussolini and the Germany of Hitler.In August of the same year, the Francoist troop passed through Gibraltar, and in September they conquered Toledo, and they released the Francoist soldiers that were in the Toledo's Fortress.One month later, in October, Franco was appointed Head of State.

the Nazi and fascist support


Since the first moments of war, the insurgents found difficulties against the leftists, but the support of Germany and Italy, that brought 100.000 soldiers in favour of Franco, tipped the scale and benefited the right-winger. In this opportunity, the nazi aviation bombed defenceless villages, as Guernica, from which Picasso drawed his famous painting.Against the intervention of the fascist governments fought volunteers of all the world, grouped in the "International Brigades".

the end of the civil war andconsequences,Chronological axis


The successive defeats forced Manuel Azaña to resign. Next was the defeat of Madrid and its brave defencers. The 1st April of 1939, the General Francisco Franco announced oficially the end of the war, after being named head of the Spanish State, and the Supreme Commander of the Earth, Water and Air Forces.This was the start of the dictatorship of Franco in Spain, that lasts to 1975.Obviously there were consequences after the civil war: - When Franco became a dictator, he abolished many rights and he marginalised politicians and intellectuals of the opposition. - He jailed 200.000 oppositors, and he sentenced 10.000 people. - The fascist dictatorship excluded Spain from the UNO, that delayed the recovery of the country. - The fight between the Soanish citizenship ruined its economy and destroyed many villages. Also, its international isolation blocked the reconstruction of the economy of the country.



1st April

25th July

26th April

24th August

7th November

17th-18th July






FRancoist dictatorship





The third stage was characterized mainly by the great development and modernization of the economic system.


The cold war caused that the isolation of Spain little by little was disappearing and at the same time favored the alignment with the United States.

first phase

The first Francoist phase is known as the period of autarky and isolation.


It is known by Francoism the authoritarian and undemocratic regime established by Franco.




The first Francoist stage is known as the period of autarky and isolation. It was characterized by a totalitarian regime after the end of the Civil War and the victory of the rebellious side against the Republic, the rapport with the powers of the axis and the isolation after the Second World War; all these things caused the following aspects to be determined: - The consolidation of an absolute dictatorship. - The approval of some laws such as the law of the Spanish, the law of succession ... - The identification with the powers of the axis until the year 1942. - An economy of autarchic aspect. - The punishment imposed by the United Nations for allying in favor of the powers of the axis.



We continue with this summary of the stages of the Francoism speaking now the second stage. Here the cold war caused that isolation that we talked about earlier was gradually disappearing and in turn favored alignment with the United States, now let's see why other things were characterized, and are: - The signing of an agreement with the Vatican, as well as the aid received from the United States, allowed Spain to progressively form part of other international organizations and thus re-establish relations with other countries. - In the year 1959 a strong economic crisis shakes Spain and makes Franco have to rethink its policy, so the signing of the so-called Pacts of Madrid, which were three agreements between Spain and the United States, is carried out. Spain allowed the installation of military bases in Spanish territory in exchange for economic credits, which is what is known as the Stabilization Plan (Marshall Plan) - The arrival of ministers farther from the Falangist doctrines in the government. - During these years also took place the issue of African decolonization, by which both Spain and France had to renounce the protectorate exercised in Morocco causing some fighting in the Ifni.



The third Franco era was characterized mainly by the great development and modernization of the economic system, but also by the crisis of the Francoist state that ended with its demise. Among other things, we will see that this period will be determined by: - The greatest economic boom, which was accompanied by sun and beach tourism and allowed a consumer society. - The approval of the Press Law. While Carrero Blanco replaced the work of Francisco Franco due to his state of health, a press law was approved in which freedom of expression was allowed since previously it was subject to the control of the dictatorship. - The opposition to the Franco regime was growing due to the multiple intellectual supports from exile, the demonstrations of both students and workers against the system, the origin of terrorist organizations such as the ETA that ended the lives of many people, including the life of Luis Carrero Blanco .... On November 20, 1975, Francisco Franco died, ending the years of the Franco dictatorship, and the period known as the Spanish transition began.




After the death of General Franco, Juan Carlos I was crowned as king of Spain and assumed the leadership of the State. I wanted to establish a democratic system in Spain. He decided to maintain Carlos Arias Navarro as head of government, who had been appointed in 1974. Finally, in July of 1976, after the resignation of Arias Navarro, Adolfo Suárez obtained the presidency of the Government. He carried out a series of reforms to bring the democratic system closer. The first step was the approval of the Law for Political Reform (1976). Later, he legalized political parties, including the communist party, and called elections for June 1977. For this reason, he is known as the father of the Constitution This process was developed in a very tense situation: - There was a serious economic crisis. - The terrorist attacks intensified - The legalization of the Communist Party and the attacks provoked a deep discomfort in the Army.



The elections of 1977 gave the victory to the Union of Democratic Center (UCD), led by Adolfo Suárez. The PSOE was the second most voted party, followed by the Communist Party (PCE), Alianza Popular (Actual PP) and the Catalan and Basque nationalist parties.The new Government, which did not have an absolute majority, practiced a consensus policy, seeking agreements with the other political forces: - The parties represented in the Parliament and the unions signed the Pacts of Moncloa to address the serious economic crisis in the country. - A fully democratic Constitution was drafted, which was approved in a referendum in 1978. - An agreement was reached to set in motion a political system that granted autonomy to the different Spanish regions, and the first Autonomy Statutes were granted. In this way, between 1977 and 1979, the foundations of our democracy were laid.



In 1979 new elections were called, which UCD won again. However, the persistence of the economic crisis and the internal division of this coalition led to the resignation of Suarez as president of the Government in early 1981. On February 23, 1981 (23-F), during the parliamentary session in which the investiture of Calvo Sotelo as new president of the Government was voted, an attempted coup d'état took place. The king's performance and the lack of support from the political parties and the population were decisive for the coup to fail. The Government of Calvo Sotelo had to face the aggravation of the economic crisis and an increase in terrorist activity. During his term, Spain joined NATO in 1982. The elections of October of 1982 gave the victory to the PSOE by absolute majority. This fact is considered the end of the transition.


  • Thedailybeast.com
  • UnProfesor.com
  • Historiaespana.es
  • Donquijote.org
  • JuntadeAndalucía.es
  • IESlme.org
  • Endiendodelahistoria.blogspot.com
  • Wikipedia.org
  • Todocolección.net
  • Historiassiglo20.org
  • Crisis de la Restauración PDF
  • Libro Historia 4ESO Santillana

Juan Fernando Jiménez Calderón

I hope you have enjoyed it!