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Christian religious design

Canto IV, Stanza 84-93

"Despedidas em Belém"

The Lusíadas- Camões

After remembering Portugal´s history, Vasco da Gama narrates the departure of the expedition towards India, on July 8th 1497. That day, Lisbon citizens crowded on “Belém´s beach”, to watch the departure of the three ships and say goodbye to their friends and relatives. The sailors and the soldiers were very excited and had no fears, because they had prepared themselves spiritually, asking for God´s orientation and support for the trip.


87_«santo templo»90_«funéreo enterramento»88_«procissão solene»

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These verses here underlined refer to the solemn procession in which people prayed / wept over the relatives who were about to depart. These verses refer to some religious festivities such as funerals, processions and also places of prayer - temple.

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85_«Pelas praias vestidos os soldados De várias cores vêm e várias artes, E não menos de esforço aparelhados Pera buscar do mundo novas partes. Nas fortes naus os ventos sossegados Ondeiam os aéreos estandartes; Elas prometem, vendo os mares largos, De ser no Olimpo estrelas, como a de Argos.

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"Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper "

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Religion, as a very important and essential element in the 15th century, is used in the poem to symbolize the fear and hope of people, both those who left and those who remained. FEAR: the procession shows the lack of hope of the people in the return of their relatives. This idea is reinforced by the fact that the sailors made the confession before departure, because if they died they would have already confessed. The same idea of ​​death and fear is accentuated when the funerals and prayers of people are mentioned by sailors to a better fate in the event of misfortune.

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The belief in a divine power, which determines the destiny of the people, feeds the hope of the Portuguese. They prayed a lot to increase the chances of survival.

" E nós coa virtuosa companhiaDe mil Religiosos diligentes,Em procissão solene a Deus orando,Para os batéis viemos caminhando" (verses 5 - 8)

Stanza 88

In addition, to king´s D. Manuel I support, this expedition had also church blessing. The sailors accompanied by religious men, were taken to the ships.

"Quereis que com as velas leve o vento?"

Stanza 91

"Onde sejas de peixes mantimento!"

Stanza 90

Stanza 89

"As mulheres cúm choro piedoso, Os homens com suspiros que arrancavam;"

It was believed that the journey would be long and dangerous. Everyone had the feeling that those soldiers and sailors, were walking towards certain death: women cried, men sighed, mothers, wives and sisters were worried that they wouldn´t see their loved ones again.

Processions and prayers were the way to have godliness and divine protection.

Despite anticipating the certainty of death “we were considered lost”, they held to their faith in a way to escape to fateful destiny.In stanza 92, Vasco da Gama keeps describing the solemn procession of his companions between people who live in the city.


By determination of Vasco da Gama, they left without making the usual farewells, to reduce the suffering of both, those who left and those who remained, and so that no one would change their minds about departure. (Stanza 93)