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champion children


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...Children could plant one million trees in every country on the earth and there by offset CO2 emissions all on their own, while adults are still talking about doing it...

Inspired by Wangari's Green Belt Movement Felix formulated his vision: Children could plant one million trees in every country on earth and thereby offset CO2 emissions all on their own, while adults are still talking about doing it.

When he was nine years old he decided to save the world suggesting people to plant a tree to fight climate change.

Felix Finkbeiner says children can plant one milion of trees. The organisation Plant for the Planet has created a project for planting trees araound the world.

He is really great!!!

Felix Finkbeiner

the boy of the trees

champion children


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he is the Italian republic ‘Alfiere Bianco’...or White Ensign of Italian Republic

twentyfour August 2016 he saved his family during the earthquake, they where under ruins

Luigi Pignoli

Ensign of republic

champion chidren


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she lost her left leg in a road accident

she showed that diversity is not a problem and you can face it.

Chiara bordi

Ensign of Republic

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he was a victim of bullies

he helped people that where victims of bullies.

leonardo cesaretti