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“Tell me about yourself”

“What do you know about our organisation?”

“What are your biggest strengths?”

“What is your biggest weakness?”

“Why have you chosen social work as a career?”

‘Social work is extremely important. I’ve always been interested in helping people, and for me the value of helping others to improve their lives surpasses any monetary gain. So, on a personal level, I have spent large portions of my childhood in contact with social workers who have changed my life for the better. I would not be where I am today without their support and guidance, and this has absolutely inspired me. So, every time I read a negative media portrayal of the social sector, I think back to my own experiences; and how I want to help disprove the negative stereotypes associated with the role. Therefore, this position really means something to me.’

‘I’m a really caring and compassionate person, who has always been interested in social work and looking after children. I started my own babysitting service at a very young age, and then pursued this interest at both GCSE and A-Level. As part of the placements on my undergraduate course, I worked in a children’s home. This was the most rewarding experience of my career. I developed fantastic relationships with all of the children involved and am still in contact with many of them now. After my undergraduate degree, I studied social work at postgraduate level, and took placements in a juvenile detention centre and on the paediatric social team within a hospital. Both of these roles challenged me to my utmost, but I ultimately emerged a more capable, experienced and confident social worker. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunities that I have been afforded. I’m now looking for a role which allows me to use the skills I’ve developed.’

I know that you are a highly influential voluntary organisation, who have made a huge impact within the UK. You were founded in 2006 and provide support to vulnerable adults on a variety of issues; such as alcohol, drugs and mental health. One of the things that drew me to this organisation was your recent nomination for the HCAM award, which recognises contributions to health, care and medical services in the United Kingdom. I’m someone who really cares about making a positive difference to people’s lives, and I know that this is a value that your organisation shares and delivers upon, on a daily basis.’

‘My biggest weakness is that I have been known, at times, to put too much responsibility on myself. I’m someone who always wants to see a job done properly, and therefore I have a tendency to avoid delegating tasks to anyone else. This was particularly an issue at university. On one occasion I was placed in a team with three others. After two weeks, it became apparent that the other members of the team were discontented. This was because I had taken too much work, and not left them enough to do. We had a group meeting to resolve the issue and I quickly realised my mistake. I’m working extremely hard to fix this, as I know that working in a team is a vital requirement for any social worker.’

‘My biggest strength is that I’m a really caring and non-judgemental person; and I know that this is essential when building a relationship with service users. I’m also very organised. This quality has really helped me in the past when it came to submitting and reviewing case reports, and planning activities. Finally, I’m an excellent communicator, who is not afraid of making big decisions. My communication skills help me to gain all of the information that is needed to make a final decision on particular cases. This is also useful for establishing a level of trust between myself and those I am working to help.’

Idea original Gabriel Marín

Pensad en un producto a elaborar con vuestro alumnado cuyo foco de origen sea un problema/reto/situación...

¿Qué tareas necesitaréis llevar a cabo para realizar el producto?

Especificad las Competencias Clave a trabajar, concretando contenidos relacionados con cada una.

¿Cómo pensáis organizar las actividades planificadas?¿Cuándo y quién/es las realizarán?¿Dónde se van a llevar a cabo dichas actividades?

¿Qué técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación serían los más adecuados para este proceso de e-a?

¿Qué indicadores de nuestro currículo oficial podéis seleccionar como referentes de los aprendizajes?

¿Qué estrategias y propuestas metodológicas innovadoras utilizaréis? ¿Emplearéis alguna estrategia de Ap. cooperativo o Apps educativas? ¿Cómo pretendéis favorecer la inclusión educativa?

¿Qué recursos materiales usaréis?¿Qué recursos humanos van a participar en el proyecto?¿Utilizaréis algún espacio externo al centro?

¿Ante las tareas planificadas que actividades tendríais que concretar en cada caso para desarrollar las mismas con garantías?