Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


By Miss Parat and Mr Bataille

6A 6B 6C 6D

Click on the penguin!

Welcome to the zoo!

By Miss Parat and Mr Bataille

6A 6B 6C 6D

Click on the penguin!

Welcome to the zoo!


Thais Mailys Jade H Léandre Anthony R

Soen Tom Matys Evan

Nahel Enzo Jade R Montaine

Jalan Zoé Emma Gabriel

Tony Tyago Farès Anthony G

Lou-Ann Maé Lenny Morgane

Listen to your guide and discover the zoo!


Thomas Yacine Yohann

Alexandre Aliénor Anouk

Matéo Sacha Shaima

Léonie Lila Louis Maël

Enael Even Jordan Jules

Anais Antonin Camille Eloise

Listen to your guide and discover the zoo!



Listen to your guide and discover the zoo!

Quentin G Mael F Ilan F Héloise

Louanne Noa Samia Carlo

Quentin D Janis Eloise Lily

Gabriel Mahé Camille Sarah

Dimitri Lou Maël D Gaspard

Angel Ilan B Jade Leila


Nathan V Tony Nathan P

Camille Colin Constance Duane

Camille M Maiwen Margaux Nathan C

Léa Louane Louise Madalena

Fabrice Florin Ilies Kyllian

Elise Elsa Enzo Esteban

Listen to your guide and discover the zoo!