Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Elmer, the patchwork elephant, is...

as green as grass as green as a tree as green as a garden

as white as chalk as white as snow as white as a ghost

as black as coal as black as a crow as black as night

as orange as orange juice as orange as an apricot as orange as fire

as yellow as the Simpsons as yellow as the sun as yellow as a banana as yellow as gold as yellow as the Minions

as red as an apple as red as a cherry as red as a strawberry as red as my heart

as purple as grapes as purple as a plum

as blue as the ocean as blue as your eyes as blue as jeans as blue as the blueberry

as pink as a flamingo as pink as my skin as pink as a pig

as sky-blue as sea as sky-blue as waves as sky-blue as sky