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A visit to water treatment plant with 4th graders A lesson by Mrs Hristova & Mrs. Baykova

Pollution and purification of water

The students of Hristo Botev Primary school Aheloy visited the nearby Water Treatment Plant as a part of their lesson "Pollution and Purification of Water".

The objective of the visit was to provide practical knowledge about purification water technique; to raise awareness of the NECESSITY for water treatment and to learn how everyone can help reducing the water pollution

Kids were really excited to be a part of the important work that is done here!!

Today we learned that:

A waste water treatment plant cleans sewage and water so that they can be returned to the environment.

These plants remove solids and pollutants, break down organic matter and restore the oxygen content of treated water

All the workers in the plant were more than nice and helped us understand how exactly this happens....

The good microorganisms look really cool under the microscope!

It was a great experience that really made us think more about the importance of keeping our nature clean!

The textbook lesson

OU Hristo Botev, Aheloy, Bulgaria