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de las emociones





Il viaggio che ho fatto dall'Etiopia all’Italia è stato un viaggio davvero doloroso

Il viaggio che ho fatto dall'Etiopia all’Italia è stato un viaggio davvero doloroso, pur essendo stata piccola capivo il dolore che si provava a lasciare tutto dietro le spalle, gli amici, la famiglia e la casa. Dentro la valigia, avevo semplicemente pochi vestiti e un album con delle foto sul mio passato, per fortuna non ho viaggiato su un barcone per venire qui, ma ero con mia sorella e i nostri genitori adottivi su un aereo. quando arrivammo in Italia, io e mia sorella avevamo solo sette e otto anni, ovviamente non sapevamo ancora parlare l'italiano, ma la nostra prima parola fu "SI" e la prima sera che uscimmo dalla nostra nuova e bellissima casa, conoscemmo un bimbo che sarebbe stato il nosto vicino, si chiama Carmine adesso è un ragazzo di diciassette anni che studia alle superiori. Io e mia sorella, bè anche noi studiamo, lei frequenta la seconda superiore al liceo delle scienze umane, dove andro' anche io tra poco perchè sto per terminare la terza media. Adire la verita', certe volte mi chiedo perchè sono qui, quelle volte in cui mi sento il mondo che mi crolla addosso, come ora, ma certe volte mi sento la persona più fortunata del mondo. Io e mia sorella non parliamo mai del nostro passato anche se sappiamo benissimo che ci manca, ma abbiamo i migliori genitori adottivi del mondo e sappiamo che non dobbiamo preoccuparci di nulla con loro a fianco.


Nella mia valigia c'è:

Nella mia valigia c'è: - Sicuramente il mio pupazzo che si chiama Cica ed è un cane, molto importante per me, perchè senza di esso non dormo e in più mi ricorda casa mia - Come seconda cosa ci sono le mie pigiatute tra le quali quella a unicorno (che sognavo da tutta la vita) è la mia preferita - I ricordi più importanti della mia vita, ad esempio le amicizie che ho fatto, l'amore per la famiglia e per tutti i miei parenti, ad esempio quello per le mie cugine che ormai considero come sorelle - Una cosa fondamentale per me sono le mie pasticche che prendo ogni mattina da quando avevo quattro anni per una operazione avuta alla tiroide - Nella mia valigia ci sono: delle foto che ho sul comodino dove sono raffigurata da piccola - Il telefono e il caricabatterie, sono due cose fondamentali che porterei, perchè lì ho delle foto che ritraggono la mia famiglia ancora felice - Delle cose che mi faranno crescere di sicuro sono le mie curiosità, la mia voglia di creare sempre cose nuove e la voglia di dipingere Nella mia valigia c'è: Mia nonna che mi sta sempre accanto e che mi aiuta a studiare e ad essere sempre felide anche nei momenti più difficili - Delle cose che mi serviranno per il viaggio e che sicuramente porterei sono i soldi e la voglia di viaggiare insieme al coraggio


ci sono il mio violino e la mia tastiera per continuarea fare musica

Nella mia valigia c'è: il ricordo della mia cugina, in particolare l'ultimo, quando le ho detto addio; c'è il ricordo di quando mi sono rotta un dente non più di latte; c'è il mio vecchissimo pupazzo, ma anche la foto di quando sono nata, per ricordarmi della mia infanzia; c'è la mia forza interna; c'è l'accoglienza della mia città; ci sono gli ostacoli che ho incontrato, per affrontarli, ma anche il mio cuscino per piangerci sopra quando ne avrò bisogno; c'è la mia famiglia, le mie sorelle e mio fratello, con i miei genitori per ricordarmi di loro e di tutto quello che hanno fatto per me; c'è il mio fazzolettone degli scout con i colori della mia città, per ricordarmi che ho promesso di fare del mio meglio; poi ci sono le cose fondamentali, pochi soldi, dei vestiti, delle scarpe, ma soprattutto ci sono tutti i miei pensieri, le mie paure, e poi c'è la mia ansia che non mi lascerà mai, in ogni momento brutto o bello le c'è sempre; ci sono le mie lunghe camminate per pensare; c'è il mio secondo cuscino per sfogarmi; ci sono tutti i miei pianti, i miei sorrisi che mi faranno crescere e la mia testardaggine, la mia timidezza, c'è l'orologio davanti a camera mia che non smette mai di suonare; ci sono i miei pattini; c'è l'immagine del camino acceso, la cioccolata calda e un film; ci sono il mio violino e la mia tastiera per continuare a fare musica, e poi c'è la curiosità di cosa succederà durante questo mio viaggio.


Nella mia valigia c'è ladeterminazione, l'umiltà e il mio sorriso più sincero

Nella mia valigia c'è: Nella mia valigia c'è l'oceano d'estate con i suoi mille segreti, i miei documenti rinnovati per un nuovo inizio, una macchina fotografica con le immagini vecchie e la musica, un concerto intero. Nella mia valigia c'è la determinazione, l'umiltà e il mio sorriso più sincero; ho tre foto: una con gli amici, una con la famiglia e una della mia camera in disordine, perchè quella sono io. Nella mia valigia ho l'America e le sue sfumature, con anche una cartina per il mondo intero. Ho una penna e un quaderno per scrivere quello che penso, ed una rosa come simbolo di vita; porto me stessa da piccola per i ricordi sull'infanzia e un libro in ungherese per non scordare le mie origini. Porto i miei sogni e le mie paure, parti importanti nella mia vita: infine porto uno specchio, per guardare dal riflesso cosa lascio nel passato, per poi spostarlo sulla mia faccia per vedermi e capire la persona che sono o diventerò.


Nella mia valigiac'è un pensiero di felicità futura senza rimorsi senza la paura di perdere tutto.

Nella mia valigia c'è: Nella mia valigia c'è la maglietta regalata dalla mia zia, le mie scarpe preferite, quelle nere della Nike, del cibo, l'acqua, le mie cuffiette bianche. Nella mia valigia c'è il ricordo di un viaggio fatto in Francia con tutta la mia famiglia, l'adozione del mio gatto, il mio gatto arancione, il primo incontro con la mia migliore amica, la pallavolo. La pallavolo perché riesce a farmi esprimere al massimo, riesce a farmi sfogare eliminando tutti i pensieri negativi. Grazie a questa sono riuscita persino a farmi nuove amicizie che unendosi hanno dato vita a una squadra che è diventata una sorta di seconda famiglia. Nella mia valigia ci sono tutti i vari momenti passati, alcuni migliori ed altri un po' meno come le sconfitte nel mio sport, la perdita di una persona a me molto cara, le amicizie, quelle vere, quelle che rimangono leali nonostante tutto. Nella mia valigia ci sono anche i momenti di vuoto, di solitudine che nascondi in presenza di altre persone ma che comunque riescono a farti maturare. C'è anche il tramonto che emana pace e serenità. Nella mia valigia c'è un pensiero di felicità futura senza rimorsi senza la paura di perdere tutto.


Nella mia valigia c'è il telefono e tutte le lacrimeche ho trattenuto

Nella mia valigia c'è: i miei vestiti preferiti, le medicine, il tramonto ,una data importante:12/08/2017, delle foto con i miei migliori amici, la foto del mio cane, il profumo di mia nonna, le giornate passate con il mio nonno, le coperte che hanno il profumo di mia mamma, l'anello di mio babbo, i rimproveri di mio zio, le canzoni che ascolta mio fratello, la mia serie tv preferita, le giornate passate con i miei amici del mare, il mascara che mi ha regalato la mia migliore amica, il telefono e per finire tutte le lacrime che ho trattenuto.


Nella mia valigia voglio tenere tuttele cose essenziali per la mia vita.

Nella mia valigia c'è: il quadro con tutte le foto della famiglia, la prima foto che mi hanno fatto quando sono nato, dei vestiti, il ricordo del mio nonno che mi serve per ricordarmi di non mollare mai, i miei genitori e i miei fratelli, i miei amici, le foto e i ricordi con i miei amici o parenti, delle foto delle mie passioni, qualche gioco per passare il tempo, i giocattoli della mia infanzia, i ricordi dei miei parenti per non scordarmi di loro, le foto di tutti i viaggi che ho fatto con o senza i miei parenti, il primo pupazzo che mi hanno regalato, i lavori che ho fatto con i miei genitori il mio mp3 con centinaia di canzoni e i miei gatti. Nella mia valigia voglio tenere tutte le cose essenziali per la mia vita.


En mi maleta Hay recuerdos, emociones, sentimientos.

En mi maleta están todas las fotos con mi familia, con amigos, mascotas.También hay recuerdos, emociones, sentimientos.Si pudiera llevaría conmigo a toda mi familia


hope, courage, that's the most important thing

In my suitcase I’d pack my grandparent’s memory, the good feelings with my family and friends. I would take a picture of my family and friends, I would take food and water, water, water, water, my phone with my memories, my house keys, house keys, house keys, house keys. My phone number, my friends' pictures, clothes. Would I take a diary?, yes I would, of course, yes I would. I would take my football equipment of Real Betis Balompie and hope, courage, it is the most important thing. My teddy bear, it is so important because it was my first present for Christmas. I would take my computer and tablet, my headphone, the memory of sunset at the beach in the summer. I would take all my childhood. with all this I would fill my suitcase.


Memories, a lot of them, bad and good memories, memories of my friends and family.

Yes, I’m a refugee, I don’t know how everything began and I don’t know how It will end, but I’m sure what I’ll carry in my suitcase: Memories, a lot of them, bad and good memories, memories of my friends and family, also I’d pack my house keys, I’ll carry photos, photos of my best moments, of my strong grandparents and of my beautiful house, the house where I grew up. Simple things like water, warm clothes, lighter and food, a camera to take photos of my new life, and a lot of hope, hope and hope.


I always wanted to travel, but not to a refugee camp

It was too fast and horrible, so I couldn’t think very well on all the special things to carry, so I only carried my very important things and memories. I carried my documents to get a job, for my son's’ education, and also I carried my mobile phone, painkillers and a first aid kid. Obviously, in my suitcase I packed some money, some food, water and clothes. Also, I packed some pictures of my family or friends and my old home, or my album of baby photos that make me feel happy. I will also always carry with me the memories of all my life, such us my garden, my room, my hiding places, when my family danced together in the living room, a special bracelet that my grandfather gave me and some moments with my family and friends. And there are some things that will help me grow, for example books, my pride, my parents’ help, my empathy and my respect to the world. I always wanted to travel, but not to a refugee camp.

I would like to take all those good times I've lived with the people I love and are now apart because of the war.


In my suitcase I will take, food ,water, soap, clothes and my phone, where I have all of my photos, so I can see my friends and family when I want to. I will take my childhood toys, my house keys and a little bit of earth from my garden, to remind me of the dear home I've left behind. I would also carry a handkerchief that I inherited from my great grandfather. I would take a diary to record everything that happens to me Above all I want to take with me, my illusion, desire to start a new life, and I would like to take all those good times I have lived with those people I love so much and are no longer with us because of the war. I wish I could go back home and get back the life I had, but that is no longer possible. Nothing will ever be the same again. Also if I could I would take an aircraft ticket to go as far as possible from my terrible past and look to the future.


a picture of my whole family to remember them and to know that you always have to have hope in life.

In my suitcase I'd bring my passport, National Identification Document and money to travel without anyone stopping me. Winter and summer clothes. My mobile phone for some emergency and to communicate. And a picture of my whole family because they are the ones who gave me life in this world and without them I couldn't live, to remember them, and to know that you always have to have hope in life.


My country is dangerous, I cannot keep my house safe, but I can take memories with me

My country is dangerous for me me, anything can help me keep my house safe. But I can take something to remember, survive or grow well in this new life. In my suitcase I’d pack clothes, money, food, phone, charger, water and a torch to survive. I’d also like to pack my memories when I went to Disneyland Paris with my family to remember them with a smile in their face, my favourite small teddy bear to remember my childhood, when I met my best friend, so small both of us, used to play together not caring about the rest of the world. For my free time I will need to see photos and videos with my family and friends and my graduation photograph to remember my old life. When I feel alone, I will need the company of my family and friends, my joy and my madness, my dairy, etc. And to learn I will need books, notebooks and a pencil case.


I would take some things which could help me grow like some courage and hope for a better future.

If war came to Spain I’d take my mobile phone, mobile charger, a knife, cleaning stuff and objects of personal care. These are some useful things I’d pack in my suitcase. I’d also take a diary to write in it all the things that happened to me every day during my journey and I would also take my dearest memories altogether in a photo album. I would also take some things which could help me grow like some courage from my family and friends, and hope for a better future. The last things I’d try to carry is a few images that make me feel good, my family photos.

Nombre miembro familiar 06

I’d pack food, water and I’d remember to take my phone and all my dreams

If I have to travel to I don’t know where, I would take a blanket not to be cold, and my dear teddy bear of my childhood, I always sleep with it. I would also take food, because I don’t want me and my family to be hungry. I would take photos of my childhood, because I want to remember myself when I was little, and remember how was my life in my home. I’d take with me my house keys, house keys, house keys. I’d take a photo of my family because I want to remember how we lived at home. I’d pack food, water and I’d remember to take my phone and all my dreams, I want to become a singer and an actress.


I'd pack A portion of courage, willpower, humility and a big, big, very big smile.

Phone, watch, phone, charger for my phone and headphones. Knife, torch, passport, my family, my car, clothes and suncream. ID card , phone , passport, water bottle, studies. Photo of Neymar Jr, a ball, Seville football, a cream for my skin, photo of my family and my shoes. My slopes, necklaces and bracelets, my belt. A portion of courage, willpower, humility and a big, big, very big smile. Photo of my family, clothes, respect. Money, car keys, blanket, pen, notebook, backpack, tent. A small water bottle, a medium water bottle, a big water bottle. And my good and bad memories of my past not to forget them. Most of all a smile, hope and good attitude.


In the suitcase we carried simple things, we did not have time to take the desired things as almost everything was destroyed.

My trip from Siria to Spain was quite dangerous, we left everything behind, home, friends, family, I was very sad to know that I was not going to live those moments again. We were at home quietly when we heard an explosion, we took all our valuables and we fled. We took a raft and went to a river that empties into the sea to escape the bombing In the suitcase we carried simple things, food, water, a lucky bracelet, a compass, phone, pills, photos, diary, scissors… we did not have time to take the desired things as almost everything was destroyed A huge ship found us and took us on board, we had no idea how lucky we were to find it, they gave us blankets, food and we slept in a bed. The boat took us to a place where we were at least for 2 weeks. They took care of us, they gave us food and clothes to dress and they told us some Spanish words so we could communicate a bit and they gave us the keys of a house so that we could live and we studied in a school that was near our new house. You can not imagine how badly we spent those weeks. We were very scared because we did not know what was going to happen on that boat. I miss my friends and family that we left behind because of people who do not have feelings and want to destroy us. All of us who lived it know what this is like. And look, I had a little more luck and could run away at least with my father, mother and sister ...


I think that respect and my rights are probably all I need to grow.

What I would probably pack in my suitcase is a compass or a map to know where I am. A phone, money and a passport for people to know who I am. My parents and my friends’ photos, to remember the good moments I lived. Probably I’d take my diary to read all the things that I did in the past and write new experiences. I would probably take some food and a water bottle. I think that respect and my rights are all I need to grow like a person, like a human being.


I'm taking my country' flag to remember who I am and where I come from.

I would take my lead shotgun just for self defense and to hunt for food. I would take my phone to ask for help.I would take clothes to put on, although they get dirty, they can be used for the cold weather. I would take my family with me, because I don't want to be alone. Although I would carry many things with me, I would still need others. I would be thinking on my friends. I would take my wallet, I would take purified water. I would be thinking on my family and my football memories. I’d take a portable charger and a flare gun too. I would take a necklace from Jesus Christ. I would be thinking on my days and nights. I would remember all my birthdays, christmas, trips. I would miss so much my house so much. I would take my teddies, to feel like at home. I would always remember my old life. I would also be scared when thinking where I should go. I would be thinking on my good and bad moments. I'm scared of losing all the things that made me grow like a human: respect and moments. Scared of losing all my family, friends… All the things I know. I would take my dictionary of languages to know the language of the country that I'm going to, my documentation I would take my photos,the photos of my childhood, my family, friends… I'm also taking my country's flag to remember who I am and where I come from. But now, I feel empty and unhappy because It’s not my fault the fact of having to lead this life. Remember, you could be the next one.


In my suitcase, I have clothes, A photo with my family and my friends, a little bit of water, food, and hope

In my suitcase I’d pack a photo with my family, my drawings and my diary. Food, clothes, water, bank notes , coins, my books, pictures of my family and my friends, a torch. I lost my father and my mother I was alone with my brother. I don’t have a bottle of water and my books are burnt. I lost my home and ran away with my sister following all the others but we didn't know where we were going. I was with my mother, but now, I don’t know where she is. I have clothes, one photo with my family and my friends, I have a little bit of water, food, and hope. A photo of my family was lost in my home with my toys


I'd pack images of our family and school days,my childhood

In my suitcase I’d bring the necessary clothes, not the last model of Levi’s. I would like to bring my passport and some money for the trip to another country. I would need a backpack to bring food, water, painkillers and my phone for emergencies.It will be hard to start a new life in another place, but I will bring books and languages, my work experience, my being positive and my thinking before doing something. It’s sad to see how people that is living their life are fleeing by government's fault, so we can bring images of our family and schools days, my childhood... ...Maybe I couldn’t bring all these things if there is a war but all of them are the things I will need.


It is very important to take my respect and THE POSSIBILITY OF learnING from other people .

I will take from my house my smile, my photos with my family and my friends. For my travel I will take my family, my documents, money, my phone, my hope and my freedom. Also my house my lantern, my lighter and my respect. I will take, my clothes, my watch and my humility. It is very important to take my respect and the possibility of learning from other people their good characteristic.


In my suitcase i would take my happiness, my courage And the only thing they could never take away from me, my freedom.

In my beautiful suitcase, I would like to take my passport, water, lots of water, canned food, laser pointer, my mobile phone, portable charger besides taking my courage, my hope, my joy, I'd take all my family and my best friends, I would leave in my house the terror and my fears, I’d also leave all that time of wars and hunger but what I will never leave is my smile. In my beautiful suitcase, I would take my money, my mobile phone, food, a lot of food, my photos, my family, my happiness. And the only thing that they could never take away from me, my freedom. In my beautiful suitcase, I would take my courage, my passport to travel, my phone, my ID, my clothes, my family, my happiness, and especially a big smile in my face.

it’s so important to take curiosity with you


There are a lot of people who have to fight maybe not at night. It’s difficult to take all the things that in your life you make, I don’t know what I will pick maybe medicines for the people that are sick. It’s so difficult to choose, but it’s so clear what are the things I’m going to lose. You might carry things that you need, for example food to your sons feed. but there are things that you don’t need to carry, for example things for you to marry. You can take, money, documents or important things that are not fake. And it’s so important to take curiosity with you and your family too, things from your childhood and your life of memories will be full.