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Science for 5th graders

Exploring the living nature that surrounds us

a lesson by Mrs Nina Stoyanidis

2 0 1 8


  • To develop and consolidate student's knowledge of the variety of organisms living in the nature (plants, animals )
  • to find proofs for the connection between the living organisms and the environment
  • to improve observation skills in the outdoor world

Hey! Someone's just found a ladybird! :)

Before the lesson:

The students discuss the lesson's topic in order to understand the main task -

To realise which of our planet's organisms are our closest neighbours and what is our relationship with them

All set up, let's go and explore!

Everyone has a specific role during the lesson activities:

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an observer......

a speaker.....

and a secretary

The observers watch carefully the plants and the animals living among them

The secretary writes down all the information

The speakers summarise the information and present it at the end of the lesson

The activity develops team work skills too

By the end of the lesson the students will learn to

  • identify the organisms'group based on the organism constitution, eating habits and activity

  • make an observation, comparison, classification and record of the results by observing the nature

  • become aware of the importance of protecting the environment

There's a whole small world to discover and love....

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At the end the students fill in worksheets in their workbooks.The teachers makes an evaluation and gives feedback


Thank you!

5th grade in OU "Hristo Botev", Aheloy, Bulgaria and Mrs Nina Stoyanidis