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Confusing words

Economic vs Economical

Classic vs Classical

Which is correct?Going by train is more economical or economic than going by car?

Historic vs Historical



What do you say? Mozart is the best-known classic or classical composer?



What do you say?I love reading historic or historical novels?



Economic and economical are adjectives. We use economic to mean ‘related to trade, industry or money’: The economic forecast for next year is not good. The President spoke mostly about economic policy. We use economical to mean ‘not using a lot of money’: Hybrid cars are very economical. (They do not cost a lot of money to run.) Solar energy for your home is expensive in the short term but it is more economical in the long term. Source: Cambridge Dictionary

CLASSIC: a) a work of literature, esp. if written long ago or in a special way which is considered very good Most of Shakespeare’s plays are now classics of the theatre/theatre classics b)very good, esp. because of a kind that has for a long time been considered good, especial This is a really classic French wine c)very true or suitable This is a classic example of how Roman houses were built CLASSICAL: a) We use classical to refer to the culture of the past and to art forms which belong to a long formal tradition Mozart is probably the best-known classical composer. She’s only eight years old and she has learned to dance both classical and modern ballet. b) Connected with or influenced by the culture of ancient Greece and Rome classical studies a classical scholar (= an expert in Latin and Greek) classical architecture

Historic means ‘important or likely to be important in history’: I feel that this is a historic moment for our country. When the Berlin wall came down, it was a historic occasion. Historical means ‘related to the study of things from the past’: I love reading historical novels. Archaeologists found a large number of historical objects when they excavated the field. Source: Cambridge Dictionary