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Wales is part of the UK. It is situated in the south-west of the UK. It borders with England. In the past Wales was part of England

The national flag of Wales is the red dragon and it has a red dragon on a white and green background. Red dragon is a prophecy of the coming of King Arthur and it is supposed to have been the battle standard of king Arthur and other ancient Celtic leaders.

Rugby is the national sport. In the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff there are rugby matches, football matches and concerts It was built for the world cup of Rugby in 1999.

The national emblems for Wales are the daffodils (a yellow, spring flower). The origin of the national flower of Wales appears to be as an attractive interloper.

Wales is the “land of castles” as there are hundreds of castles and legends – often about King Arthur. He is a medieval, mythological figure, head of the kingdom Camelot and the knights of the Round Table

Leek is a national symbol of Wales. The Welsh archers adopted the green and white colours of the leek for their uniforms.

Christianity is the largest religion in Wales. Other Religions are Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism

Anthony Hopkins, Richard Burton, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Courteney Cox, Dylan Thomas, George Herbert, and Christian Bale have all in commun their nationality: Wales. Here there are important artists, musicians, designers and so on.

The two official languages of Wales are Welsh and English. English is widely used throughout the country and is the native language of most people in the South and the North East of the country; in the West and North, Welsh is the dominant native language.

Cardiff is the capital city.