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Content & Language Integrated Unit (CLIL) 2018/19IES VEGA DE ATARFE (GRANADA)






RENAISSANCE:16th Century Europe



Click on the link to learn about J. Kepler. Watch the presentation and you'll be ready to answer all the questions. https://blogsaverroes.juntadeandalucia.es/vegabilinguismo/files/2020/12/JOHANNES-KEPLER.pdf

https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tycho_Brahe#/media/File:Tycho_Brahe.JPG Danish nobleman and astronomer

https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miko%C5%82aj_Kopernik#/media/ File:Nicolaus_Copernicus._Reproduction_of_line_engraving.jpg Polish mathematician and astronomer

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/Johannes_Kepler_1610.jpg German mathematician, astronomer and astrologer


For Ptolemy, our planet is the centre of the universe,so the planets and the sun orbit Earth

For Aristotles,the Earth was a sphere made of earth, fire and water

Anaximander thought the Earth was a floating cylinder surrounded by water

(610-546 Before Christ)


So, what did people believe 2500 years ago? ...

(100 – 170)

Anaximander of Miletus,Greek

(384–322 Before Christ)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle With him, things took a more scientific turn, based on observation and logical deduction

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaximander#Cosmology He is often called the "Father of Cosmology" and founder of astronomy.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemy He established the model of a geocentric universe



How much do you know about this astronomer?

Read the questions and click on the UFO with the right answer

Johannes Kepler

Oops! Wrong answer

Oops! Wrong answer

Oops! Wrong answer

Yeah! Right answer. This will take you to the next question


One of these statements is false, which one?

He was a terrible student

As a kid, he saw a lunar eclipse

He saw the Great Comet of 1577

He was a sickly child

1 J. Kepler

Oops! Unfortunately this is true. Kepler's health was very poor.

Oops! This information is true. The eclipse and the comet that he saw when he was a child were the two things that made him love Astronomy.

Oops! This is true. Seeing the comet was one of the reasons he had to become an astronomer. REMEMBER: A comet is a small ice object that orbits the sun and has a long tail of gas


In 1589, Kepler began his university education. Which information is NOT TRUE ?

He studied in a CatholicUniversity

Martin Luther,the Protestant Reformer,defended the geocentric theory

Maestlin could lose his job for talking about the heliocentric theory

Maestlin,his professor,told Kepler about Copernicus's heliocentric theory

2 J. Kepler

Oops! This information is correct. Maestlin told Kepler about Copernicus, and he became a Copernican. The sun, not the Earth, is the center of the universe and all planets, including the Earth, orbit it in circles.

Oops! Wrong answer. Unfortunately this is true, both the Protestant and the Catholic church believed in the geocentric system, so Maestlin was forced to teach the Ptolemaic system. Our planet is the centre of the universe, so the planets and the sun orbit Earth.

Oops! Wrong answer. This is true, and he could denounce Maestlin if he taught the heliocentric theory. MARTIN LUTHER


Which one is FALSE ...?

He never worked for Tycho Brahe

He was a university professor in Austria

Kepler published a defense of the COPERNICAN SYSTEM.

3 J. Kepler

Oops! This is true. Kepler's first major astronomical work was the first published defense of the Copernican system. Mysterium Cosmographicum (The Cosmographic Mystery - 1596)

Oops! This is true. Kepler began to work as an Astronomy professor in Graz, Austria in 1594


Kepler published his 3 LAWS OF PLANETARY MOTION in his book Astronomia Nova What was his first law?

The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the sun at a focus

Copernicus's HELIOCENTRIC THEORY is righ and the orbit of a planet is a circle

4 J. Kepler

Ptolomeo'sGEOCENTRIC THEORY is righ and the orbit of a planet is a circle

Oops! Wrong answer. The Copernican system - the sun is the centre of our solar system - is correct BUT the planets don't move in circles.

Oops! Wrong answer. Ptolomeo's Geocentric Theory - the Earth is the centre of the universe- is wrong AND the planets don't move in circles.

Bravo!!You are an expert in Astronomy.


Planet Earth

Andromeda galaxy andromeda galaxy

Our Solar System