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Task 5
Task 4
Task 3
Task 2
Previous Knowledge
Marta Bou Rueda
Task 1
Final Task
Sala i Badrinas LAB
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Sala i Badrinas LAB

Final Task

Task 1

Marta Bou Rueda

Previous Knowledge

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

This is a previous activity to see what you know and share your knowledge with your classmates. 1. Think of all the world history inventions you can remember. 2. Write them down on a post it (5 minutes). 3. Share the notes with your group table members (10 minutes). 4. Share the notes with the whole class (10 minutes). Use this link: http://note.ly/ 5. Look at the silent PowerPoint

The first activity we are going to do is a WORD SEARCH. You have to look for all the inventions you have and then write under each picture the name of the invention.

This is Task 2. We are going to talk about the use of inventions. What do we use inventions for? Discuss with the class, and give some examples. When you finish go to activity 2. ACTIVITY 2

In this task we are going to start talking about inventors. First of all, with your group table, read the four mini - biographies you have in this LINK. When you finish, complete PART 1 of this task. You are going to complete PART 2 during the next session.

This is an interaction activity in which you have to work in pairs. Do role plays asking and aswering questions in order to guess who your classmate is. You can use the following questions: - When did you live? I lived from .......... to .......... - Where did you live? I lived in ............... . What did you do? I was a/an .................... I invented/ discovered .......................... - Are you .................? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. When you finish this first activity, do the next one that you can find in this LINK (the teacher is going to give you the paper sheet).

Look at the poster and read it. When you finish, identify specific information answering the following questions:

  1. What is the invention?
  2. Who invented it?
  3. When did he/she invent it?
  4. What did people do before the invention?
  5. How is the invention different today?
  6. Is it a great invention? Why? Why not?
Now, it's time to plan your project. Choose, research and make notes. Use the same questions to prepare your project