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Content & Language Integrated Unit (CLIL) 2018/19IES VEGA DE ATARFE (GRANADA)






RENAISSANCE:16th Century Europe


Click on the link to learn about Brahe. Watch the presentation and you'll be ready to answer all the questions. https://blogsaverroes.juntadeandalucia.es/vegabilinguismo/files/2020/12/TYCHO-BRAHE.pdf


https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tycho_Brahe#/media/File:Tycho_Brahe.JPG Danish nobleman and astronomer

https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miko%C5%82aj_Kopernik#/media/ File:Nicolaus_Copernicus._Reproduction_of_line_engraving.jpg Polish mathematician and astronomer

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/Johannes_Kepler_1610.jpg German mathematician, astronomer and astrologer


For Ptolemy, our planet is the centre of the universe,so the planets and the sun orbit Earth

For Aristotles,the Earth was a sphere made of earth, fire and water

Anaximander thought the Earth was a floating cylinder surrounded by water

(610-546 Before Christ)


So, what did people believe 2500 years ago? ...

(100 – 170)

Anaximander of Miletus,Greek

(384–322 Before Christ)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle With him, things took a more scientific turn, based on observation and logical deduction

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaximander#Cosmology He is often called the "Father of Cosmology" and founder of astronomy.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemy He established the model of a geocentric universe



How much do you know about this astronomer?

Read the questions and click on the UFO with the right answer

Tycho Brahe

Oops! Wrong answer

Oops! Wrong answer

Oops! Wrong answer

Yeah! Right answer. This will take you to the next question


Brahe was a very original person whose life was full of weird stuff. Which statement about him is false?

His bladder probably burst because he didn't go to the toilet

He lived with King Fredrik II of Denmark

Brahe received an island from king Fredrik II of Denmark

He was kidnapped by his uncle and aunt

1 Tycho Brahe

Oops! This is true. Tycho’s natural parents eventually agreed to this, so Tycho was raised by his uncle and aunt ​​

Oops! This is true! He built a palace and an astronomical observatory called Uraniborg. For over 20 years, Brahe used the island as his base from which to make astronomical observations.

Oops! This is true! In 1601, at a banquet in Prague, Tycho needed a loo. But he thought it was impolite to leave the table before the meal was formally over, so he didn’t go to the bathroom.


Brahe was very intelligent and accomplished great things. Which statemnt is not true?

In 1572, he saw a new star in the Constallation of Casiopea

He wasn't good at mathematics and didn't like Astronomy

In 1559,when he was 13 years old, he matriculated at the University of Copenhagen

2 Tycho Brahe

Oops! This is true! And three years later he went to the University of Leipzig in Germany.

Oops! This is true. Tycho saw a supernova, 1 of the 8 supernovas that have been seen with the naked eye in human history!


Why was the discovery of that new star so important at the time ?

It refutes the Aristotelian belief in immutable celestial spheres

It showed that the parallax was a stupid invention

That would make Brahe the most famous astronomer.

3 Tycho Brahe

Oops! Wrong answer. Keep trying!

Oops! Wrong answer. Tycho studied the parallax of this star and saw that it did not change from night to night, this meant that the object was far away REMEMBER - The parallax is an apparent change in the position of an bject resulting from a change in position of the observer.


Which model of the Solar System did Brahe defend?




Tycho Brahe's new geocentric theory imagined the Sun and Moon orbited the Earth, but the other planets orbited the Sun.

4 Tycho Brahe

Oops! Wrong answer. Copernicus's theory states that the planets orbit around the sun. ​​

Oops! Wrong answer! Ptolomeo's theory states that our planet is the centre of the universe, so the planets and the sun orbit Earth.


Which of these was not one of Thyco's achievements?

He invented objects to help him observe the universe

He invented the telescope

He said that comets were real celestiol objects

He catalogued hundreds of stars

5 Tycho Brahe

Oops! Wrong answer. Brahe catalogued over 1000 stars

Oops! Wrong answer. He worked out that comets were real celestial objects with different orbits to those of the planets.

Oops! Wrong answer. He invented instruments to observe the universe, for example the Tychonian Quadrant.


Like Aristotle, Ptolomeo and Copernicus before him,Thyco Brahe thought that the movement of the planets was in ...


it varies


Thyco Brahe was mistaken too. He also thought that the planets moved in circles.

6 Tycho Brahe

Oops! Wrong answer! This is just silly.

Oops! Wrong answer! Thyco Brahe's assistant, Johannes Kepler, was the first astronomer who established that the orbit of the planets was an ellipse

Congrats!You are one step closer to become an expert in Astronomy.


Northern Lights Aurora borealis


A solar eclipse