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The short-film “Junk Food” tackles a common teenage problem : junk food eating habits; as a result, teens are more likely to become overweight or obese. In fact, the short-film depicts this issue through videogames, jumping into the world of virtual reality playfully . Personally, I think that this short-film has nailed the problem of eating unhealthy food which is so common among teenagers, in particular it shows teens’food cravings just for greed.


Il cortometraggio parla di un ragazzo che viene mal guardato dai clienti del locale per la sua ingordigia. Successivamente il suo corpo lo mette in imbarazzo creandoli grossi problemi di digestione. Dopo la gran mangiata il protagonista conclude il “videogame”, con un personale e prevedibile “game over”: scaricando tutto nel water. The short film deals with a guy who is criticized by some clients because of his gluttony. His body embarrasses him for digestive problems. After the "binge eating", the protagonist ends the videogame with a personal and predictable "game over": throwing everything down the toilet.