Travelling around the world Learning Alive Language
Created on December 4, 2018
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Travelling around the World Learning Alive Language
In this project, we intend to start from culture as a core theme and from there we will link interdisciplinary knowledge. The more real the learning situation is, the result will be more meaningful. For such purpose, we will attempt to include all of the necessary resources in the classroom to reproduce a cultural reality and thus, obtain a two-fold learning of the foreign language through its culture and vice versa. In this Project we are going to learn through: history, literature, typical recipe, geography, hymn, flag of the country where the language is spoken. Our tools to learn are going to be mobile aplications such as Quiver, ICTs such as Google expedition, Multiple Intelligences... Always working with authentic materials.
The objective of project is to put into practice an activity in which a group of students from different countries, learned a foreign language through its culture and its culture through its own language, in other words, Learning Alive Language and proving that learning can be motivating, intuitive and above all, meaningful working together. • Students learn through their own culture. • Learning is facilitated through authentic materials used in everyday life, such as: newspapers, magazines, the Internet, movies, television, music, etc. • A total linguistic immersion, using the cultures of different English-speaking countries such as: the United Kingdom, the United States of America, South Africa, Australia, Malta and other. To present a new methodology. L.A.L. could be a good methodology. To motivate the student. If students are motivated, learn more and better. To create expectations in the student about what he is going to learn. Because we won,t follow a typical book. To encourage participation and involvement of students. They create their own material, looking for it in the internet... To promote the investigation. They have to learn to look for information, where, how, authors.. To promote research through various media and formats such as books, ICTs, Mobile applications… To foster the participation of all school community. Widen this experience to all subjects. To acquire new vocabulary. And knowing english language and culture from Malta, Canada, South Africa, India… English as the main mean of communication nowadays in the world. To use authentic materials. Newspapers, magazines, TV programmes, radio, and all the resources our students provide us. To promote teamwork, pair work and individual work. To widen socialization, to learn one children for another. One country from another. To value culture our own culture and foreign cultures. Compare what they learn with what they live. Compare the students culture with other countries´ and with the culture of the studied country.
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Before the project • Teachers discuss and decide the timetable for the Project, activities and way of working. • They form the groups (splitting their pupils) and become mentors of the groups. During the project • The project begins with an introductory phase where pupils introduce themselves and their school and city. They can take photos of their school or make a short video of the school and their city’s sights. . All the teams toghetther select the country it is going to support our learning. - Every country select one or two resources: Geography, Literature, typical recipe, newspaper, song, History, flag.... - Every country show the rest how to work with the selected material and the objectives and extra material the other have to create - All the teams have since now a MONTH, to carry out all the activities in their classes and hanging it in etwinning live to share with the rest. Ending the project • Pupils make an evaluation of the whole project and mention their favourite Challenge and favourite tasks.
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Proceso de trabajo
Learning a second language, more alive, real, meaningful and motivating. We wait students, teachers and parents want to work with this method to learn a second language since now. We hope to achieve by the end of this project, evidence that the teaching of a second language through their own culture, living language, is more significant, more motivating, more real. We also hope to have involved students, ICT and real materials to their interdependence and interconnection. We expect the impact of this method will be so important that it is about to start new way of
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Resultados esperados
Colegios:CRA Ribera de Cañedo EspañaIvana Bešťáková . Polonia
Alumnos:De seis a doce años.
Asignaturas:Lenguas extranjeras.
Alumnos:De seis a doce años.
Asignaturas:Lenguas extranjeras.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Cristina Nóvoa Presas