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6. Sexual Identity


4th year pupils

ies guadalquivir

1. Elderly

2. Disability

3. Religion

4. Gender

5. Ethnicity

7. Immigration

Esto es un párrafo de texto listo para escribir un contenido genial

PROBLEMS: At local level: - Waiting lists - Loneliness At national level: - Ageing population - Low pensions SOLUTIONS: - Increase funding for NGOs that help old people https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamhaseltine/2018/04/02/aging-populations-will-challenge-healthcare-systems-all-over-the-world/#1140a41f2cc3

PROBLEMS: At local level: - Bad access to places - Lack of jobs At national level: - High prices of equipment - Shortage of specialised places SOLUTIONS: - Invest more on scientific research to improve the lives of disabled people https://www.theparliamentmagazine.eu/articles/interviews/giving-disability-voice-europe

PROBLEMS: At local level: - Catholic Church Tax privileges - Decrease in the number of followers At national level: - Controversy on whether religion should be taught at school - Sexual abuse cases being revealed SOLUTIONS: - Stronger measures should be put in place to avoid future abuse cases https://cruxnow.com/church-in-europe/2018/11/14/italian-priest-and-pioneer-in-anti-pedophilia-fight-optimistic-about-italian-church/

PROBLEMS: At local level: - Sexism - Lack of job opportunities for women At national level: - Child care forces women to stay at home - Unequal pay SOLUTIONS: - Policies to educate children on equality - More women on higher up positions https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-07/-imperative-to-push-women-to-top-of-companies-imf-s-lagarde

PROBLEMS: At local level: - Lack of opportunities - Educational and housing isolation At national level: - Discrimination - Stereotypes SOLUTIONS: -True investment in creating training opportunities and jobs to allow for the integration of social minorities https://www.europeaninterest.eu/article/will-eu-include-roma-called-union-protects-empowers-defends/ -Discrimination -Stereotypes

PROBLEMS At local level: - Stigma - Bullying At national level: - Lack of rights - Lack of awareness SOLUTIONS: - Grant equal rights to LGBTI community and raise awareness about sexual diversity in schools http://fra.europa.eu/en/theme/lgbti

PROBLEMS At local level: - Emergency centres can't host more migrants - NGOs are collapsed At national level: - Spain wall in the border is not effective to stop migrants -Normalisation of migrants deaths in the sea SOLUTION - Agree common policies at EU Level to manage the migration crisis https://elpais.com/elpais/2018/08/16/inenglish/1534409841_383994.html