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researching our erasmus, 7 project themes

Title 1

Title 1


There are no facilities to host elder people Pensions are too low and old people live in hard conditions

Problems solution

Problems of elderly

New generation should be educated to respect elder people and they should realize that grandparents are a great resource because with their knowledge they have a lot to teach to use Pensions should be increased to allow old people to live a dignified life

Disability People

Problems solution


Disabled people are not accepted There are very few facilities and too much physical obstacles into cities

Integration of weak people should be taught in families, at school and any association The architectural berries should be broken



Problems solution

Women are not allowed to do what they want Women are victim of violence or stalking

Woman must be considered equal to men with the same rights and not like an inferior human being Create a law to ensure that women are considered equal to without discrimination



Problems solution

People of different ethnicity aren’t considered trustworthy Chinese market has become a new reality because it has changed the world economy

We must give more opportunites to other races and not discriminate between withes and blacks We should create a law to make the discrimination less acute and we will be able to go further



Problems solution

Immigrants do hard jobs that are badly paid Italy has established hosting centres, but they are overcrowed

We should help them to move on,to survive,to settle them,to give them an opportunity in the world because doing so would improve everything We should open the borders,give them a home, a job and do not let them die of hunger and cold

Sexual Identity


Problems solution

Not everyone is respected for their gender, some are even neglrcted They are teased and are not accepted for their choice

I think this difference should not be calculated but accepted so that all people are equal to each other there should be a law That should ban the problems of discrimination and ensure that everyone has the possibility


Problems of Religion

There is too much inequality for worship and for this there are also conflicts Religion instead of helping,invade reality

Problems solution

Religion we must considered it as a link that helps us overcome difficult times and not reason for not getting along Us he wants somethink that keeps religions connected and has faith