Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Dans le parc de Strohl-Fern on trouve une multitude d'espèces d'arbres qui ont des origines diverses. Nous les élèves sommes également riches de cultures et de langues diverses et variées. Et nous nous épanouissons ensemble sur ce sol commun. .

Le Lycée Chateaubriand : un sol pour s'épanouir


Thank you


Finding our roots, admiring our flowersOur school is unique : students come from all over the world and speek lots off different languages. Here, in this beautiful park, they find a common soil to grow in, just as the great plants and trees around us. Before of beeing so big and impressive, these plants were little seeds, often with a long story of travelling...If you want to learn more about the project, here are some answers...


A CM1 project for the International Week of Languages 2018

About the project: How many pupils participated? Approximately 80 pupils from 3 CM1 classes took part in the Seed from afar project in May 2018. Was it difficult to find the trees? For some species it was indeed hard to make sure that our guesses were correct in terms of the specific subspecies and, above all, origins of the plants: remember that we were looking for trees coming from as many different parts of the world as possible! What message would you like the visitors to remember ? No matter where you come from, or how big, strong or impressive you are… Lycée Chateaubriand is the place for you: a fertile soil for all types of seeds! But growing from a seed into a tree, this takes time, endurance and all the passion of those taking care!

Trees and human beings have a lot of common characteristics. One should always listen to advice given by trees...

Poetry under the evergreen oak

Advice from a treeStand tall and proudGo out on a limbRemember your rootsDrink plenty of waterBe content with your natural beautyEnjoy the viewadapted from Ilan Shamir

Some of the pupils' favourite facts about the evergreen oak: it's always green, it's very strong, has acorns and... predicts the future! It comes from Italy, the country of pasta, pizza, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Bernini and ice cream!

Listen and watch!



Butterfly songElèves de CP

Projets fleurs en CP


Our palm tree comes from Chile, the country of Neruda, the Atacama desert and lamas! Palm trees are very tall, they are usually 25 meters high but some species can even be 70 meters tall!

About the butterfly project 6e4 pupils asked Annalisa some questions about the project How many kids sang the song? From how many classes ? All 5 CP classes sang this song in October this year, approximately 120 children. The track you have listened to was recorded with one class only, so you can hear 20 kids singing. Did they like the song ? They loved the song, the video that comes with it and also the actions we associated with some moments of the song (your hands crossed in a butterfly-shape, “flying” up and down). They were very proud because they had just learnt the colours in English and were able to name them as the butterflies appeared on the video. There is also a butterfly song number 2, that they enjoy even more! Was it difficult to create the butterflies ? Not at all, although some rough scissors did cut off a few pairs of antennae! The kids loved to see all their butterflies hanging from the class ceiling, fluttering over their heads! What is the message you would like the visitors to remember ? Starting to learn English, for a little kid, is like learning to fly: all you need is some curiosity, a bit of courage and a teacher who can guide you. And your colours will do the magic!

6e 4 asked some questions about the flower project What do these flowers represent ? Each pupil had 3 petals to colour in their favourite colour and a skewer (the green stem) between two of them. They could only see the final product when we assembled 2 sets of petals on a skewer. Apparently the sum of individual preferences, our flower pot is beautiful because each flower is the result of the cooperation between pupils who had to agree on matching colours and share the skewer to be painted green. Therefore, in each flower there’s a mix of individual pleasure and collective agreement and work. How many pupils took part in the project? Did they like it ? 2 classes of CP, so roughly. 45 students. They enjoy colouring of course, and were amazed at the final result, which they were not expecting. They also liked the fact that the pots will be put in the park next to real plants: our paper butterflies will certainly be attracted by these colourful flowers, and maybe some real ones will, too. For a 6-year old, the gap between reality and imagination is very little… What do these flowers represent ? Each pupil had 3 petals to colour in their favourite colour and a skewer (the green stem) between two of them. They could only see the final product when we assembled 2 sets of petals on a skewer. Apparently the sum of individual preferences, our flower pot is beautiful because each flower is the result of the cooperation between pupils who had to agree on matching colours and share the skewer to be painted green. Therefore, in each flower there’s a mix of individual pleasure and collective agreement and work. How many pupils took part in the project? Did they like it ? 2 classes of CP, so roughly 45 students. They enjoy colouring of course, and were amazed at the final result, which they were not expecting. They also liked the fact that the pots will be put in the park next to real plants: our paper butterflies will certainly be attracted by these colourful flowers, and maybe some real ones will, too. For a 6-year old, the gap between reality and imagination is very little…

Butterfly songElèves de CP

Projets fleurs en CP


Our palm tree comes from Chile, the country of Neruda, the Atacama desert and lamas! Palm trees are very tall, they are usually 25 meters high but some species can even be 70 meters tall!

About the butterfly project 6e4 pupils asked Annalisa some questions about the project How many kids sang the song? From how many classes ? All 5 CP classes sang this song in October this year, approximately 120 children. The track you have listened to was recorded with one class only, so you can hear 20 kids singing. Did they like the song ? They loved the song, the video that comes with it and also the actions we associated with some moments of the song (your hands crossed in a butterfly-shape, “flying” up and down). They were very proud because they had just learnt the colours in English and were able to name them as the butterflies appeared on the video. There is also a butterfly song number 2, that they enjoy even more! Was it difficult to create the butterflies ? Not at all, although some rough scissors did cut off a few pairs of antennae! The kids loved to see all their butterflies hanging from the class ceiling, fluttering over their heads! What is the message you would like the visitors to remember ? Starting to learn English, for a little kid, is like learning to fly: all you need is some curiosity, a bit of courage and a teacher who can guide you. And your colours will do the magic!

6e 4 asked some questions about the flower project What do these flowers represent ? Each pupil had 3 petals to colour in their favourite colour and a skewer (the green stem) between two of them. They could only see the final product when we assembled 2 sets of petals on a skewer. Apparently the sum of individual preferences, our flower pot is beautiful because each flower is the result of the cooperation between pupils who had to agree on matching colours and share the skewer to be painted green. Therefore, in each flower there’s a mix of individual pleasure and collective agreement and work. How many pupils took part in the project? Did they like it ? 2 classes of CP, so roughly. 45 students. They enjoy colouring of course, and were amazed at the final result, which they were not expecting. They also liked the fact that the pots will be put in the park next to real plants: our paper butterflies will certainly be attracted by these colourful flowers, and maybe some real ones will, too. For a 6-year old, the gap between reality and imagination is very little… What do these flowers represent ? Each pupil had 3 petals to colour in their favourite colour and a skewer (the green stem) between two of them. They could only see the final product when we assembled 2 sets of petals on a skewer. Apparently the sum of individual preferences, our flower pot is beautiful because each flower is the result of the cooperation between pupils who had to agree on matching colours and share the skewer to be painted green. Therefore, in each flower there’s a mix of individual pleasure and collective agreement and work. How many pupils took part in the project? Did they like it ? 2 classes of CP, so roughly 45 students. They enjoy colouring of course, and were amazed at the final result, which they were not expecting. They also liked the fact that the pots will be put in the park next to real plants: our paper butterflies will certainly be attracted by these colourful flowers, and maybe some real ones will, too. For a 6-year old, the gap between reality and imagination is very little…

Mais par quels pays sont passés les élèves de Chateaubriand ?cliquez pour le savoir...

Le langage mathématique : un langage universel !

Quelle est cette notion? Quel est le mot qui vous vient à l'esprit?

et oui ce sont les... PARALLÈLEs

Les élèves de la classe de CM1 A de Mme Grabet ont utilisé le parc pour découvrir des notions mathématiques...Cliquez et observez bien les photos!

Bamboo come from China. Pupils love them because it's an original plant and the panda eat bamboo and they love pandas !

Les élèves de 6ème 4 nous expliquent...

Mais comment retrouver le nom des arbres ?

- Cliquez sur la vidéo et vous saurez tout sur la clé de détermination !- Le lapin vous apprendra le latin-Est-ce vraiment une feuille ? Cliquez. pour le savoir !

Our Cedar of Lebanon comes from Lebanon, It's the symbol of the country. The tree is even on the flag.

Saurez-vous retrouver le nom de l'arbre du prochain arrêt ?

Magnolia Acuminata

Accompagnés par leurs professeurs de langues, les élèves ont habillé le magnolia de leurs mots: - les 6e ont choisi de jolis mots, ceux qu'ils préferaient, dans diverses langues.- les CE1 et CE2 ont travaillé en italien sur le thème de la politesse et du respect.

Le magnolia devenu arbre à mots

Magnolias come from North America. Pupils love them because they have got beautiful white and pink flowers and shiny green leaves. Magnolias are considered primitive flowers by botanists and their seeds have febrile properties . In Chinese medecine, it is an anti-stress plant.

Un grand merci à.../Grazie mille a.../Thanks a lot to...Tous les élèves de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 et CM2 et de sixième qui ont participé à l'élaboration de cette visiteTous les enseignants de primaire et du collège qui ont permis à ce projet de voir le jour(A special thanks to Michele and Annalisa who carried out the original project in 2018 and who allowed us to use their material)Tous les personnels pour avoir veillé à la bonne organisation de ce parcoursToute l'équipe de direction pour leur soutienL'AEFE qui permet à chacun de s'épanouir quelque soit le sol.Ketty Chopin et Diana Klein, EEMCP2 de la zone Europe du Sud Est