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Hello there!

Welcome to yet another presentation of mine - this time about kid-helping institutions around in Częstochowa

It's not a suprise to anyone: kids all around the world grow up in different conditions, some are lucky more and some less

Children around the town

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Here we got a short list of organisations that help children because the people creating them think kids deserve all the love in the world!

(kids are cute okay)

For starters - the Euro Help

the organisation we are talking about is set on helping woman mostly so why the children? well it's mostly a question of abusive family surroundings the crew at EuroHelp are there for all the kids that were unfortunate enough to be growing up without financial and/or psychical support


the purpose and mission of EuroHelp is "giving feedback to families, helping children and growing teens in finding the purpose and worth of living"

eurohelp is a special shelter-educational institutionit's not working with our government

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Second of all - "A ray of hope"

kids are kids -healthy or not!

It's clear:

These guys are the ones to stand up and fight for the better life for kids that have been hurt in accidents or born disabled

The guys they are

They basically support financially some specialised hospitals and the families that need help in curing their kids

The stuff they do

A non-profit

Of course they don't work with the government and also they take no profit from it and raise money by a bank account for security

This next organisation is a huge one, working in all of our country. it has one part settled in Czestochowa too. one cannot talk about some great non-profit organisations around us and not mention this one.

Last but not least

They've been around quite long - over 90 years now and they are still building up new things. they are here to help kids from abusive surroundings, from broken families, from families that are not wealthy enough as well as kids from large families

They don't only think about the material resources needed - they also take care of potential psychical problems or addictions the kids may be developing


- just like friends should -

The Association Of Friends of children"

well, yes, there is.I just cannot fit it all in for you not to get scared of how long the list of organisations really is here

Thanks For Your Attention!

This presentation was made by me, aka Gabriela Dobrzańska, an Erasmus participant 2018-2020 Enterpreneurial Young Citizens Of Modern Europe *mic drop*

"That's all, folks!"

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Genial.ly Genial.ly es un gestor de contenidos interactivos con el cuál usuarios sin conocimientos en programación pueden crear sus propios "recursos interactivos" (presentaciones, guías, dossiers, paneles/posters, etc.) donde podrán ir agregando y configurando su contenido de forma dinámica y medir su impacto. LinkedIn

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