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In my opinion being jelous it's fine but not of your nice and in this extreme way. He exagerated.
Florencia Sguera
In this scene Eddie is being completly irrational eventhought Alfieri is trying to calm  him down and make him change his mind. He was being stubborn and a traitor as he was so obsessed with Catherine that got to the point that he deported her love. He didnt listen to his wife and end up being like Vinny Blozano.
In this scene he is begining to show jelousy and tries to create excuses so as to change Catherine's idea of marrying Rodolpho.
Alfieri This is my last word, Eddie, take it or not, that’s your
business. Morally and legally you have no rights, you cannot
stop it; she is a free agent.
Eddie (angering) Didn’t you hear what I told you? 
In this scene Eddie is showing for the first time how protective he is for Catherine and he don't want her to go work somewhere were everyone is going to look at her and she is going to be the center of attention.
Act1, Page 34
Eddie You don’t think so! Katie, you’re gonna make me cry
here. Is that a workin’ man? What does he do with his first
money? A snappy new jacket he buys, records, a pointy pair
new shoes and his brother’s kids are starvin’ over there with
tuberculosis? That’s a hit-and-run guy, baby; he’s got bright
lights in his head, Broadway. Them guys don’t think of nobody but theirself! You marry him and the next time you see him
it’ll be for divorce!
Act1, Page 14
Eddie Because most people ain’t people. She’s goin’ to
work; plumbers; they’ll chew her to pieces if she don’t watch
out. (To Catherine.) Believe me, Katie, the less you trust, the
less you be sorry. 
Act 2 Page 60
Eddie began to take irrational desitions by ignoring his wife and confronting Catherine's love, Rodolpho. He was in a deteriorating marriage as he was stubborn and sexually neglated his wife who just stood by his syde untill the end.
Eddie is Beatrice's husband and Catherine's uncle. During the play, Eddie falls in love with Catherin eventhought he never admits it. At the beggining of the play we can see how he "protects" Catherine but firstly this could be seen as a pathernal act however when Rodolpho and Marco arrived he gets jelous and overprotective. At this moment 
A view from the bridge
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A view from the bridge

Eddie is Beatrice's husband and Catherine's uncle. During the play, Eddie falls in love with Catherin eventhought he never admits it. At the beggining of the play we can see how he "protects" Catherine but firstly this could be seen as a pathernal act however when Rodolpho and Marco arrived he gets jelous and overprotective. At this moment

Eddie began to take irrational desitions by ignoring his wife and confronting Catherine's love, Rodolpho. He was in a deteriorating marriage as he was stubborn and sexually neglated his wife who just stood by his syde untill the end.


Act 2 Page 60

Eddie Because most people ain’t people. She’s goin’ to work; plumbers; they’ll chew her to pieces if she don’t watch out. (To Catherine.) Believe me, Katie, the less you trust, the less you be sorry.

Act1, Page 14

Eddie You don’t think so! Katie, you’re gonna make me cry here. Is that a workin’ man? What does he do with his first money? A snappy new jacket he buys, records, a pointy pair new shoes and his brother’s kids are starvin’ over there with tuberculosis? That’s a hit-and-run guy, baby; he’s got bright lights in his head, Broadway. Them guys don’t think of nobody but theirself! You marry him and the next time you see him it’ll be for divorce!

Act1, Page 34

In this scene Eddie is showing for the first time how protective he is for Catherine and he don't want her to go work somewhere were everyone is going to look at her and she is going to be the center of attention.

Alfieri This is my last word, Eddie, take it or not, that’s your business. Morally and legally you have no rights, you cannot stop it; she is a free agent. Eddie (angering) Didn’t you hear what I told you?

In this scene he is begining to show jelousy and tries to create excuses so as to change Catherine's idea of marrying Rodolpho.

In this scene Eddie is being completly irrational eventhought Alfieri is trying to calm him down and make him change his mind. He was being stubborn and a traitor as he was so obsessed with Catherine that got to the point that he deported her love. He didnt listen to his wife and end up being like Vinny Blozano.

Florencia Sguera

In my opinion being jelous it's fine but not of your nice and in this extreme way. He exagerated.

Marco is Beatrice cousing. He and his brother went to stay with Eddie and Beatrice as they were italian innmigrants. Rodolpho wanted to achive the "American dream" while Marco was a hard-working man who earned money to send it to his family in Italy. They both had a strong sense of justice as they were Italian and italian people are very loyal but Marco's sense of justice was stronger than Rodolpho's and, if it was necesary, he would even kill someone to get revenge.


A view from the bridge

Marco Because I could send them a little more if I stay here. Beatrice As long as you want, we got plenty a room. Marco (his eyes are showing tears) My wife – (To Eddie.) My wife – I want to send right away maybe twenty dollars –

Marco is face to face with Eddie, a strained tension gripping his eyes and jaw, his neck stiff, the chair raised like a weapon over Eddie’s head – and he transforms what might appear like a glare of warning into a smile of triumph, and Eddie’s grin vanishes as he absorbs his look.

Act1, Page 52

Act1, Page 23

Marco strikes Eddie beside the neck. Marco Animal! You go on your knees to me!

Act2, Page 78

In this scene we can see how Marco is concentrated only on his family and would do what ever it takes to keep them safe. He is dutiful as he have to work and send money to his family.

In this scene he is trying to show Eddie his strength so as to warn him of what can happen if he mess up with Rodolpho.

In this final scene Marco is showing Eddie his anger and that he is superior because no traitor is respected. Also hat he wants revenge for what he have done. He shows him he is a man on action and that he will have revenge for deporting them.

In my opinion Marco was right at being angry and I would do exactly the same because by deporting him he was in a way killing his family and he haven't done something to him so as to ruing his and his family's life

Florencia Sguera

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