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Autumn colors


Colours of autumn

A STEAM -Integrated Classroom Lesson

Objectives:Distinguishing between primary and secondary colors.Distinguishing between warm and cool colors.Self-made peacock in warm or cool colors.Make connections with real life experiences.Promote scientific thinking: predictions, observations, comparison, reasoning, data gathering, experimentation and evaluation.

Warm and cool colors

Primary and secondary colors

Peacocks in cool and warm colors

This is a paragraph of text waiting to be awesome content

Materials:You will need milk (near use by date), shallow dish, food colouring, cotton buds (Q-tips) and dish soap.

Colour Changing Milk Experiment

STEP 1-3

1. Pour some milk into the shallow dish.2. Add approximately 5-6 drops of food colouring.3. Prepare the liquid dish soap in a small bowl, adding a small amount of water and mix with the end of the cotton bud.

Place the soap soaked cotton bud into the centre of the of the milk dish.


Milk is mainly made of water and the other big ingredient is usually fat. The dish soap bonds with the fat in the milk. This bond is so strong that the water and food colouringare pushed out.

What is happening?

Thank you!

Project e-twinning Let's steam

SP nr 16 im. T. Halika Warsaw, class 2c

  • Project Supervisor: Edyta Karwowska
  • Idea of colored peacocks: Lidia Tobjasz