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The Downstage Minicompany

Down-syndrome in Budapest


Theoretical background

  • Definition
  • Signs
  • Treatment


  • The Baltazar Theatre Foundation
  • The I will not give up music group
  • The Never Give Up Cafe
  • The Down Foundation

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder which causes moderate or mild intellectual disabilities and various physical disorders.


There are some physical signs which are typical of the syndrome. They are short people with a flat face, a small chin, slanted eyes, a large tongue. They have short fingers. there is extra space between their big toe and second toe. Unfortunately, they are at increased risk for obesity, so they are usually chubby and plump.

  • face
  • chin
  • eyes
  • tongue
  • hair
  • fingers


There is no cure for Down syndrome. Their IQs are variable, the average is around 50. Education and proper care can improve their quality of life. Some children with Down syndrome are educated in typical school classes, while others require more specialized education. Some individuals with Down syndrome graduate from high school, and a few attend university. Since Down syndrome children tend to imitate others, an inclusive education strategy can play an important role when they can study with non-downs. Education and development is a very important thing to start at early childhood. With early education, Down's syndrome children can learn almost everything. These kids have a good imitation ability, they like to learn. Furthermore, they are equally able to participate in culture and sports just like anyone else. However, they need support in financial and legal matters even when they are adults.

  • There is no cure for Down syndrome
  • inclusive education
  • development
  • learn almost everything

„the downs are the same people”


Down syndrome is a genetic disorder which causes moderate or mild intellectual disabilities and various physical disorders. It occurs in about one per 1,000 babies born each year. In Hungary 1,800-2,000 people whereas in Europe about 400,000 people have Down syndrome. These people have a shorter life expectancy. It is around 50 to 60 years in the developed world with proper health care. The syndrome is named after a doctor who described it in 1866.

The Baltazar Theatre Foundation

In Budapest around 10 organizations help these people. The first we’re going to start with is the Baltazar Theatre Foundation. The Baltazar Theatre was founded in 1998. It is the one and only professional theatre company in Hungary whose members are mentally challenged actors and actresses. The Baltazar Theatre Foundation wants to put actors’ disabilities in the background and emphasize their talent. They create the conditions for disabled people to earn a living from their talent. Their ambition is social inclusion with the help of their shows and performances. The performances should not be judged by a relative standard but by the members’ own values. The company would like to establish a culture that offers disabled people the possibility for social integration, social inclusion. The company wants to attract the widest audience possible. Besides regular theatre-goers they would like to involve people who do not go to the theatre but whose social sensitivity is aroused by the performances of the Baltazar Theatre.

The I will not give up music group

This music group is an integrated band in which soloists are exceptionally injured (disabled, intellectually obstructed and visually impaired) performers. The Team works with regular musicians and professional sound and light technicians. Their repertoire includes their own compositions and well-known classical hits. They have high-quality music and thought-provoking lyrics. Thanks to their sincere enthusiasm and the inevitable "i will not give up" feeling of life, they are always a memorable experience for the audience. All members love music, which influence the audience as well.

The Never Give Up Café & Bar

The third organisation which helps the integration of the Down syndrome people is the N G up Café and Bar. This bar is the first café in Budapest which is run by people with special needs. It was founded 2 years ago. It is a social enterprise that provides an alternative workplace for the disabled. It is also an integrated public place for cultural events. It is a venue where film clubs, concerts, writer-reader meetings take place on a regular basis to create and maintain respectful human connections and inclusion. Employees make and serve all kinds of drinks and meals, as well as contribute to organizing and carrying out the programs held in the Cafe. The crew consists of many colourful and versatile personalities. The employees claim the typical “Never Give Up” spirit means they have the power and the ability to always give their best.

The Down Foundation

The last foundation we’d like to introduce is The Down Foundation. It helps people with moderate and severe mental disability to be able to live an independent life. This is their primary goal. Their secondary goal is to support the families of the disabled, too. This foundation started in 2003. They organize free time programmes, educational courses, therapeutic and creative occupations, holidays to lake Balaton and summer camps. Moreover, the foundation supports the talented youth, the children who are good at crafts, fine arts, music and dance. They provide them with opportunities to perform or exhibit their works of art. As you can see, they help the Downs throughout the year. Since 2009 on the International Down Day, on March 21st, they have organised special programmes for the non-downs, too, to raise awareness of this syndrome. If you want to help them with your voluntary work, you can do different kinds of activities. They need volunteers to spend time with the Down syndrome people and read for them, walk with them, do arts and crafts, do sports with them. Accompany them to work, school, transport them to shops, banks, etc. And of course you can help the foundation with 1% of your tax as well.

  • Educational programmes
  • Free time programmes
  • Exhibitions
  • March 21st
  • Volunteers
  • Donations, 1 % of your tax

Thanks for your attention :)