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The Earth inside out
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The Earth inside out

What are you going to learn?

  • Geosphere
    • Layers of the Earth
    • Lithosphere
    • Tectonic plates and consequences
  • Atmosphere
  • Hydrosphere






  • The top and thinnest layer (100 km aprox)
  • It's made of moving plates (tectonic plates)
  • It's made of minerals
  • 2 types of crust: - Oceanic - Continental

Outer core



  • It's the 3rd layer (2.400 km aprox)
  • It's extremely hot and it's liquid
  • It's made of magma



  • The layer below the crust (2.900 km aprox)
  • It has both solid and liquid parts, but it's mostly liquid
  • The deeper we go into the Earth, the hotter it gets
  • It's made of melt rocks: magma




  • It's at the very center of our planet (1.220 km aprox)
  • The hottest layer in the Earth (5.000ºC!!)
  • It's solid due to the high pressure it has

Inner core

  • Formed by the crust and the upper mantle.
  • Solid outer layer (rocks).
  • It has got tectonic plates.

Tectonic plates


  • Millions of years ago, the continents were connected.
  • Same fossils in differents countries.
  • When the continents crash, they form mountains.


  • They float and move slowly
  • Continents: the part of the plates that we see.
  • Like a jigsaw.

CONTINENTAL DRIFTThe tectonic plates are constantly moving (slowly) Why? Because the magma makes them move.

How did mountains get there?

DIVERGENT BOUNDARIES The plates pull away from each other (2 plates separate). The movement in the mantle makes the plates move. (Convection currents)

CONVERGENT BOUNDARIES The plates crash into each other. Mountains are created when 2 continents crash. Earthquakes and volcanoes happen when 2 oceanic crusts collide. (The older one goes below the younger one)

TRANSFORM BOUNDARIES The plates pass each other horizontally. Earthquakes appear.

THE RING OF FIRE A very important subduction zone. A lot of natural disasters.

Natural disasters


  • Series of very big waves, different than a normal wave.
  • It happens because of big underwater earthquakes (over 6,75 on the Richter Scale).
  • They usually happen in the Pacific Ocean.


  • Sudden movement of the Earth's surface.
  • The surfaces stick and they can't move until they move suddently.
  • Seismometer:
    • To measure how strong they are.
    • Richter Scale is numbered 0-10 (bad earthquakes high number)


  • A mountain with a hole on the top (crater)
  • Magma: melted rocks inside the volcano.
  • Lava: when magma is outside the volcano
  • When lava is cold it forms rocks.
  • The highest volcano is in Hawaii.


  • All the water of the Earth
  • It covers 70% of the surface of our planet
  • It has got 3 states:
    • Solid
    • Liquid
    • Vapor

3 types of water

Continental water

  • Fresh water
  • 3% of the hydrosphere
  • There are 2 types of continental water:
    • Subterranean
    • Superficial

Marine water

  • Salty water from seas and oceans.
  • The 97% of the hydrosphere.

Atmospheric water

Vapour water.

Water is constantly in motion.


  • Water from oceans, seas, lakes and rivers evaporates because of the Sun warm.
  • It enters the atmosphere as vapour water.


  • Vapour water gets colder.
  • It condenses in water drops or clouds.


  • The clouds move.
  • The drops fall on the Earth surface.
  • Rain, snow...


  • The rain runs off and forms rivers.
  • These rivers flow into seas and oceans.

Only a small percentage is good for the human health. The water is treated in a water-treatment plant. We have to save and reuse it.


  • A layer of gases surrounding the Earth.
  • Extremly important to live on the planet.

Layers of the atmosphere


  • The 1st layer of the atmosphere.
  • The one we live in.
  • The weather happens here. Greenhouse effect: it keeps the Earth warm.
  • Planes travel through the troposphere.


  • The 2nd layer of the atmosphere.
  • Ozone layer: absorbes the Sun's UV radiation (not good for the human beings)

Why is the atmosphere important?


  • It prevents the Sun's UV radiation to arrive to the Earth (Ozone layer).
  • It regulates the temperature of the Earth.
  • It has got oxygen and water vapour, essential to live.

Climate change


  • Global warming: slow process.
  • Earth's climate is getting hotter.
  • Lots of factories that emit CO2.
  • Natural disasters.

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