Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Your Bilingual EN/FR Tandem

Online MeetingsOne conversation in Englishthe other one in French

Logo Here


1- Project Objectives

7- Mission 2

9- Examples

8- Mission 3

6- Mission 1

5- Calendar

4- User Guides

3- Our expectations

2- Organization



Please, click on the headlines above to get more information

//To make the most of it

Every time you see an icon representing a light bulb in the green colour, please click on it to get further information.

To to back to the index, click on the following icon :

Your advantage

  • to work at your pace
  • to give evidence of your organizational skills
  • to give evidence of your motivation and problem-solving skills.
Why? because it's going tpo be your responsibiklity to make things happen and report on what will happen. Everybody can learn from his mistakes, so don't pretend that this will not teach you any lesson. Your responsibility:
  • Manage the online meetings
  • Be pro-active and responsive
  • Post your reports (if required by your respective lecturers in due time
  • Record The zoom meeting you will have in your target language
  • Respect the deadlines
Important Notice: Being passive and not taking part in the project will not only put you in trouble, but also the student you are working with. There's nothing else to do than facing the challenge and get connected.

//Project Objectives

Make it possible for each student to communicate and exchange with external native students on topics related to his field of expertise. Take part to 3 x 2 online exchanges, once in the target language (e.g. English for EPHEC students), once in his mother tongue (e.g. French for EPHEC students)



Between October 10 until December 03, on average 1 bilingual online face-to-face meeting every two to three weeks.Open your diary, launch a Doodle, and try to fix all the times and dates with the student(s) you will be working with when you first meet online.


Prepare yourself

Within the 2 to 3 weeks made available for each bilingual exchange, take the time to ... (check the three points on the right)


Each time you have a mission to carry out in the target language (the one you learn)

The one in the target language, because you will have to include it in the regular mission report you need to write and send

When you operate in your mother tongue, help the other student to improve his communication skills

Give feedback

Record your conversation

Get organized

Read the preparatory documents. Check whether the other students has received the necessary documentation Double check the time and day of your appointment Show up soon enough that no time is stupidly wasted to secure an online connection of quality

When you launch ZOOM from your meeting room, record the conversation. A free account like yours will allow you to record 45 minutes of conversation. More than enough to get a good idea of your communication skills. You are expected to keep talking in the target language for at least 30 minutes, And, in addition to that, invest at least 10 minutes of your time for feedback

Take advantage of collaborating with one another to improve each other's communication skills: - Draw the other student's attention on:

  • repeated lexical mistakes
  • repeated grammar mistakes
- Suggest correct constructions / lexical items. - Suggest phrases being typical of your "mother tongue".

//Our Expectations

Set and fix the dates and times of your respective meetings. Take time difference into account.


Keep a record of your achievements: send a report after completing each of the 3 missions in the target language.



Keep a record of your conversations:​​​Use ZOOM​ ​Put your conversation on YouTube (semi-private) Share the link with your lecturer in your report





//User Guides

How to carry them out? How to do them like professionals? Several tips and tricks to manage succesful online encounters.

Virtual Meetings


How to create a team spirit? How to manage conflicts? Useful tips and tricks to break the ice and get the project gently started.

First steps on Zoom. How to programme a meeting, how to join a conference room and how to record your conversation. Other functions available as well !

Communicate across cultures


Your advantage

  • to work at your pace
  • to give evidence of your organizational skills
  • to give evidence of your motivation and problem-solving skills.
Why? because it's going tpo be your responsibility to make things happen and report on what will happen. Everybody can learn from his mistakes, so don't pretend that this will not teach you any lesson. Your responsibility:
  • Manage the online meetings
  • Be pro-active and responsive
  • Post your reports (if required by your respective lecturers in due time
  • Record The zoom meeting you will have in your target language
  • Respect the deadlines
Important Notice: Being passive and not taking part in the project will not only put you in trouble, but also the student you are working with. There's nothing else to do than facing the challenge and get connected.

Be open, be constructive, manage the difference

  • The students you will be working with have a different culture
  • Take advantage of the online meetings to get in touch on a more personal level
  • Make it a rich encounter (personally speaking)
  • Get acquainted with the culture of the other
  • Ask questions
  • Provide interesting answers
  • Search
  • show who you are

// Calendar

Mission 3

Project description - beginning of the year.


Mission 2

Mission 1

Getting connected

Between November 3 and November 17: Time for you to meet, exchange and post your second tandem report.

Between October 13 and November 3. Time for you to meet, exchange and post your first tandem report

Tandem pairs of students will be made and you get 1 week the time to get in touch with one another and fix time of your first meeting.

Between November 17 and December 3 : Time for you to meet, exchange and post your last tandem report


UK/US partners

// Mission 1 -EPHEC


Get acquainted with your tandem partner. Be ready to ask him as many questions as you can so that you collect a lot of information about him/her and his/her culture.If you are an EPHEC student,click on the following Icon

Answer all the questions. Be as precise as possible. Give lots of details. Show who you are. Share memories, pictures, and so on ... Listen carefully to the student. At the end of the conversation, give feedback about his communication skills in English, focus his attention on possible lexical / grammatical mistakes. Suggest correct alternatives.


If you are a UK/US student, click here to get your instructions

Imagine that you are a Tintin reporter and that you have been asked by your newspaper to interview a person from the US/UK and report on who that person is:

  • where he comes from,
  • what he likes,
  • where he lives,
  • what he is studying and so on ...​
Start interviewing him/her. Then, on basis of your recorded interview, follow the instructions in the following document in order to produce an article (with pictures and so on ...):
  • Writing a biographical sketch
  • Publishing it in a web magazine
Starting Date (EPHEC): October 13 Deadline: send your report and biographical sketch by November 3 at the latest! In addition to that: set the date of your second online meeting and have a look at the choice of topics. Choose one of them.

//UK-US Partners

Donnez du Feedback

Cliquez sur l'icône ci-dessus pour plus d'informations sur le rôle que vous allez jouer et la mission qui est la vôtre.

Répondez à toutes les questions. Soyez locaces et volubiles. Donnez des détails. partagez photos, souvenirs, etc...A la fin de la conversation, aidez vos partenaires à mieux s'exprimer. Soyez positifs et constructifs!

Vous êtes un étudiant US

Vous êtes étudiant EPHEC

Vous êtes un étudiant UK


Faire connaissance

Faire connaissance

Cliquez sur l'icône ci-dessus pour plus d'informations sur le rôle que vous allez jouer et la mission qui est la vôtre.

Votre première mission en ligne est assez simple et vous permettra de faire connaissance avec votre parteniare EPHEC. Imaginez que vous soyez dans la peau de "Tintin, le reporter du petit XXème" et que votre journal vous demande d'interviewer un étudiant belge afin d'en tirer un article de presse prêt à la publication: vous pouvez l'interviewer sur ses hobbies, ce qu'il aime, ce qu'il fait, d'où il vient, sa famille, ses rêves, ce qu'il étudie etc... ​​ Date de commencement: 13 octobre Délai: envoyez votre rapport à votre prof avant le 13 novembre! En plus: mettez-vous d'accord sur la date de votre prochain rendez-vous, et choisissez le thème dont vous allez discuter (regardez la mission 2 pour les détails).

Votre première mission en ligne est assez simple et vous permettra de faire connaissance avec votre parteniare EPHEC Vous venez d'écrire votre autobiographie pour la 1re Unité. Maintenant, en Unité 2, il faut faire la connaissance des autres, dans ce cas d'un.e étudiant.e belge. On va travailler en cours pour élaborer un sondage pour faire connaissance. On va surtout essayer de savoir comment les étudiants belges se préparent à leurs futures professions et comment leur système éducatif facilite ou détourne leurs efforts d'après leurs histoires personnelles. On débute le 3 octobre et on termine le 3 novembre.

On fait connaissance. Puis, on discute de la musique. Quels genres, quels artistes préfère votre interlocuteur ? Où cherche-t-on sa musique en Belgique ? (Spotify, iTunes, autre source européenne)? Comment est la radio en Belgique ? Les jeunes l'écoutent-ils ou préfére-t-on d'autres médias ? La radio, souffre-t-elle de la censure ? Comment ? Pourquoi ? Quelles sont les influences de la musique américaine ? anglaise ? française ? africaine? latine ? asiatique ?

UK/US partners

// Mission 2 -EPHEC

Aspects of the other's culture

Get acquainted with your tandem partner's culture. Be ready to exchange as much as you can on one aspect of his culture. It should be an aspect you can also talk about in details about your own cultureIf you are an EPHEC student,click on the following Icon

Exchange as much as you can on an aspect of your culture you have agreed to discuss and exchange upon. Give examples, details, explanations, show the differences but also what you have in common. Listen carefully to the student. At the end of the conversation, give feedback about his communication skills in English, focus his attention on possible lexical / grammatical mistakes. Suggest correct alternatives.


If you are a UK/US student, click here to get your instructions

You are still a Tintin reporter and your mission today is to learn about your partner's culture. Of course, you can easily talk about differences in greeting customs, food, language, education system, studies, holiday destinations, family structure, politics (Brexit / trumpism/ NVA). That's already a good start ! It can be the topic of a first informal meeting. But you get an opportunity to exchange more in-depth about one of the following issues. Decide (together with your tandem partner) which of the following topics you will discuss and talk about. Allow the 2 of you to collect information, data, maps, stories. When it's done, have your second official meeting and get as much info as you can. Selectable topics

  • Feminism
  • Child labour
  • Immigration
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Elections
  • Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance
  • Starting your own business
  • Justice
  • Cultural Integration
  • Inclusion
  • veganism - vegetarianism
  • ecology
  • weapon industry - civil rights
  • trumpism
At the end of the conversation, write your report and include the link to the recorded video. Prepare an article which can be published in a second web magazine.
  • Publishing your article in a web magazine

//UK-US Partners

Cliquez sur l'icône ci-dessus pour plus d'informations sur le rôle que vous allez jouer et la mission qui est la vôtre.

Donnez du Feedback

Répondez à toutes les questions. Soyez locaces et volubiles. Donnez des détails. partagez photos, souvenirs, etc...A la fin de la conversation, aidez vos partenaires à mieux s'exprimer. Soyez positifs et constructifs!

Vous êtes un étudiant US

Vous êtes étudiant EPHEC

Vous êtes un étudiant UK


Faire connaissance

Faire connaissance

Cliquez sur l'icône ci-dessus pour plus d'informations sur le rôle que vous allez jouer et la mission qui est la vôtre.

Vous êtes toujours reporter Tintin, et votre deuxième mission est d'apprendre au sujet de la culture de votre partenaire. Vous pouvez parler des différences de salutations, de cuisine, de langue, d'éducation, d'études, de politique (Brexit etc). C'est déjà un bon départ. Mais essayez ensuite de discuter plus profondément d'un des thèmes suivants. Décidez ensemble duquel vous voulez parler. En préparation, recherchez des informations, des données, des cartes, des témoignages etc. Thèmes proposés

  • le féminisme
  • le travail des enfants
  • l'immigration
  • la liberté d'expression
  • les élections
  • la justice
  • l'integration culturelle
  • l'inclusion
A la fin de votre discussion, écrivez un rapport en envoyez-le à votre prof.Pour vous préparer à la troisième mission, regardez les détails et puis collectionnez des photos, des liens etc pour présenter vos projets à votre partenaire.

Vous travaillez déjà votre 2me curation qui touche à quelque chose qui vous passionne : la musique, le cinéma, la cuisine, la mode, la politique, l'environnement. Partagez vos recherches avec votre partenaire EPHEC tout d'abord pour voir si vous avez bien compris le sens du.des site.s que vous avez choisi.s. Puis, travaillez votre texte en rampages.us avec votre partenaire, en demandant de meilleures façons de vous exprimer en français et de bien capter la perspective culturelle francophone de ce phénomène.

On aimerait discuter de la publicité en Belgique et dans d'autres pays francophones d'Europe. Votre interlocuteur, pourrait-il la comparer à la pub américaine ? En ce qui concerne cette forme de communication commerciale, quel est le rôle de la censure ? De quelles sortes de censure s'agit-il en Belgique, en Europe ? Qu'est-ce qu'ils pensent de la censure ? Y a-t-il certaines sortes de censure qui s'opèrent qui ne sont de genre légal, mais qui sont plutôt d'orgiine culturelle ? Par exemple, aux USA, on évite les images d'individus assis au WC. Quelle est l'attitude (et la loi) envers la nudité (adulte, enfantine) dans la pub ? En d'autres formes de médias, y a-t-il des règlements de censure (feuilletons, cinéma, les émissions de débat (talk-shows), télé-réalité) ?

UK/US partners

// Mission 3 -EPHEC

The Professional You

Take advantage of this last opportunity to get challenged on the professional image you give. This will certainly help you in promoting your skills when having your job interview challenge in January.If you are an EPHEC student,click on the following Icon

Challenge and question the student about his professional profile and dreams. Investigate who he is. Don't hesitate to push him outside his zone of comfort. Have a look at the docs and video he/she will share with you. Listen carefully to the student. At the end of the conversation, give feedback about his communication skills in English, focus his attention on possible lexical / grammatical mistakes. Suggest correct alternatives.


If you are a UK/US student, click here to get your instructions

Your second mission is related to your class activities and the job interview topic. Share the preparations you have made. A few days before your online meeting, give your tandem partner the link to:

  • your creative tagxedo image (forum)
  • your talentoday professional profile description (forum)
  • your elevator pitch
  • your LinkedIn account
You are going to be questioned on your professional image. Be as precise and complete as possible in the answers you will provide. This is going to be an excellent preparation for your own job interview by a Belgian recruiter.
  • Give a clear image of your future
  • Relate everything you can say about yourself to your achievements
Starting Date (EPHEC): November 17 Deadline: upload your final report in the documents by December 3 at the latest!

//UK-US Partners

Cliquez sur l'icône ci-dessus pour plus d'informations sur le rôle que vous allez jouer et la mission qui est la vôtre.

Donnez du Feedback

Challenger votre partenaire sur son avenir professionel . Poussez-le/la hors de sa zone de confort. Posez des questions, demandez des détails.A la fin de la conversation, aidez vos partenaires à mieux s'exprimer. Soyez positifs et constructifs!

Vous êtes un étudiant US

Vous êtes étudiant EPHEC

Vous êtes un étudiant UK


Mon avenir professionnel

Mon avenir professionnel

Cliquez sur l'icône ci-dessus pour plus d'informations sur le rôle que vous allez jouer et la mission qui est la vôtre.

Discutez de vos projets pour l’avenir et des démarches que vous avez faites ou que vous comptez faire pour les accomplir. Préparez votre CV et créez un compte LinkedIn, et partagez-les avec votre partenaire à l'avance. Date de commencement : 17 novembre Délai: envoyez votre rapport avant le 3 décembre!

Votre profession future ( Unité 4 & la curation finale ). Partagez votre curation sur votre profession éventuelle avec votre partenaire EPHEC. Comparez le déroulement, sa valeur, son avenir, la formation scolaire et d'autres préparations (stages, entrainement, formation continue, etc. ) de votre profession aux USA v. en Belgique/Europe. Starting Date : November 17 Deadline: December 12 at the latest!

Dans les médias belges, comment représente-t-on les différences raciales, éthniques, de genre ? Est-on influencé par les médias des USA comme, par exemple, les Japonais qui, sans avoir de connaissances ni historiques ni culturelles des Africains-Américains mais qui racontent des stéréotypes tirés des médias américains, tels : 45 GREAT MOMENTS IN BLACK BUSINESS - NO. 8: Black Business Leaders Rebuke Japanese Prime Minister's Racist Remarks BLACK ENTERPRISE celebrates the 45th anniversary of its roster of the nation's most successful black businesses-The BE 100s. To commemorate the...Black Enterpriseet Japan politician sorry for Obama 'black slave' remark - CNN A lawmaker from Japan's ruling political party has apologized for inaccurately stating that U.S. President Barack Obama is a descendant of...CNNOu est-ce que les représentations belges viennent de ses propres racines coloniales ? Comment ces images et représentations ont-elles changé depuis l'augmentation récente d'immigration des pays arabes et africains ?


Details can make a big difference in that kind of project. As your are entire in charge of everything: what may or may not happen, take the following tips into account: Get in touch with your partner soon enough to fix the calendar of all your meetings.-Note the dates and times of all your respective meetings in your diaryCheck your Zoom connection before the day of the meetingManage your environment (professional)Manage your image (dress code, attitude, eye-contact)

Tips and tricks

Tandem Experience

Have a look at the web magazine published last year and containing the production of some of the students involved in last year's tandem project.



Report document for the US students

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The one you need to upload, fill in , save as your report document and drop in your drop box file on your virtual campus at the end of each mission.

Your 3 tandem missions reports. Click on the following links. Download the document before starting filling it in. Once completed, thank you for uploading it in your personal drop box on the virtual campus. Insert a print screen picture of your virtual meeting Include the link to your video conference (uploaded on YouTube as "semi-private") for further assessment. Below the templates of your 3 reports

  • report 1- the deadline is November 03
  • report 2 - the deadline is November 17
  • report 3 - the deadline is December 03

Click on the headline to get access to the prepared Excel page

The one you need to upload, fill in , save as your report document and share at the end of each mission.

List of the students you will be working with

Report document for the UK students

Report document for EPHEC students

//In case of problem



1. Use Facebook - Instagram - Whatsap - Twitter to get your short messages across.


2. Keep a record of all your attempts, if you want to show that you have done everything you could to get in touch.

3. If no response from your partner, and only after applying points 1 & 2, get in touch with their lecturer in charge.

NOTE - The more passive you stay, the less reactive you are. It is not only going to make it difficult for you, but also for your partner. So ...


//thank you !