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Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like mobile phones, computer and tables.It has become increasingly common especially among teenagers. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats, sexual remarks, a victim’s personal information or pejorative labels.A frequently used definition of cyberbullying is “an aggressive, intentional, act or behavior that is carried out by a group or an individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and overtime against a victim cannot easily defend him or herself.”Sometimes cyberbullying may be more harmful than traditional bullying.

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like mobile phones, computer and tablets.


Gaming sites


Social Media

Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view or share content. SMS (short message service) is also known as Text Message sent through devices.

examples: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter.Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behaviour.

It can include also sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation.

Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false or mean content about someone else, also through Instant Messaging and email.

Safer internet day

The date, concurrent with the Safer Internet Day - dedicated to events and initiatives for the correct use of the Internet - is an important sign of the institutions' commitment to a plague that is gaining more and more importance among young people.

An issue that Flavia knows well because since early adolescence has had to deal with bullies and cyberbullies and who had to fight the repeated humiliations and violence so it would stop ruining her life once and for all. In her blog, Flavia told her story and invited all the victims of bullying and cyberbullying to get out of the silence and ask for help.

Flavia's Story

The first national day against bullying and cyberbullying in schools is celebrated



I'm Flavia, I'm 18 and I'm in the fifth year of high school in the humanities course.At the beginning of middle school a boy in my class continually annoyed me for about a year, through insults but also physically assaulting me. Several times I risked ending up badly. I told my parents about this and he was warned, however, the following year he switched from bullying to cyberbullying. Two of my classmates took a picture of me talking to a teacher while I wasn’t looking and posted it online saying I was a teacher’s pet. Luckily one of my teachers solved the problem by intervening quickly and taking the photos off the website. Another incident with my Skype account and making a connection to some classmates was a mistake, because again I became a victim of cyberbullying from them. With the help of my parents, we managed to talk the culprit into taking down his accusations against me.


This is Flavia's story:



Children who learn they can get away with violence and aggression continue to do so in adulthood. They have a higher chance of getting involved in dating aggression, sexual harassment and criminal behaviour later in life. If the pain is not relieved, bullying can even lead to consideration of suicide or violent behaviour.

Bullying makes people upset. It can make children feel lonely, unhappy and frightened Children can lose confidence and may not want to go to school anymore. Some people think bullying is just part of growing up and a way for young people to learn to stick up for themselves. But bullying can have long-term physical and psychological consequences.

Effects of Cyberbullying

Effects of Cyberbullying

What should you do?

1. Always think about what you post. You never know what someone will forward.

3. Keep your password a secret from other kids. Even kids that seem like friends could give your password away or use it in ways you don’t want. Let your parents have your passwords.

2. Being kind to others online will help to keep you safe. Do not share anything that could hurt or embarrass anyone.

4. Think about who sees what you post online. Complete strangers? Friends? Friends of friends? Privacy settings let you control who sees what.

6. Talk to an adult you trust about any messages you get or things you see online that make you sad or scared. If it is cyberbullying, report it.

5. Keep your parents in the loop. Tell them what you’re doing online and who you’re doing it with. Let them friend or follow you. Listen to what they have to say about what is and isn’t okay to do. They care about you and want you to be safe.

What parents should do

Step 1

Step 3

Step 2

Parents you need to be supportive of your child during this time. You may be tempted to give the "stick and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you" lecture, but words and cyberattacks can wound a child easily and have a lasting effect. These attacks follow them into your otherwise safe home and wherever they go online.

You may want to notify your pediatrician, family counselor or clergy for support if things progress. It is crucial that you are there to provide the necessary support and love. Make them feel secure. Children have committed suicide after having been cyberbullied, and in Japan one young girl killed another after a cyberbullying incident. Take it seriously.

Don't brush it off. When up to 700 million accomplices can be recruited to help target or humiliate your child, the risk of emotional pain is very real, and very serious. Let the school know so the guidance counselor can keep an eye out for in-school bullying and for how your child is handling things.

It's an Italian nonpartisan and and non-profit voluntary association operating in Santeramo in colle (Bari) south Italy since 6th January in 1989, specialised in listening and helping minors deal with cyberbullying. Linea Azzurra is composed of volunteers: social workers, psychologists, lawyers, teachers, etc.Linea Azzurra works with accademics and experts of minors.The address:Via Della Repubblica 15Santeramo in CollePhone: 080 302 2873From recent research, apparently 35% of young people surveyed was a victim of cyberbullying, but only 1 out of 2 warned their parents (Telephone Azzurro and Doxa Kids, 2017). When kids don't talk about it directly, the most important things are the relationship and the communication that you build with them. If it's good, it's more likely they'll tell you what's happening!

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Liceo "don Gnocchi"2AL Marica BifulcoGiulia PesceIlaria De RosaMiriam Di BelloMaria Virginia SantoniFederica PiscitelliGiovanna Della Morte