Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Colorful life

The project was born from the idea of ​​enjoying spring with the eyes of a child. For this reason the project wants to work it from many areas: music, dance, play, art and science.

El proyecto nace de la idea de disfrutar de la primavera con los ojos de un niño.Por ello el proyecto quiere trabajarla desde muchos ámbitos: la música, el baile, el juego, el arte y la ciencia.


Spring and Art

Spring and Music

Spring and Experiment

Juegos de primavera

Spring and Animals

: “Un viaje virtual en primavera”.

En ello han participado todos los centros aportando sus fotos

All the centers participated in this by contributing their photos

"A virtual trip in the spring"

" Un cuento de primavera" realizado entre todos los países.

"A spring story" made between all countries.