The Lorax Project
Blanca Ansoleaga
Created on June 4, 2018
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Human influence
The Earth
Save Energy
Be Clean
Why do we Care?
How can I help?
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The Earth is a beautiful planet. It has lots of different acosystems, with their unique plants, animals and landscapes.
Don't you think it is important to care and preserve all this beauty?
ALASKA, US: Siberian Huskies are medium sized dogs that are commonly used in sled racing. They have thick, dense coats that can be any colour. A Siberian Husky is hard to responsibly keep as a pet, because they are unsuitable for urban living, they love cold temperatures, they need a lot of physical exercise and they love living outdoors.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The bald eagle is considered a threatened species. It is one of the symbols of the USA.
FINLAND Although not considered endangered, there are efforts to maintain the population of reindeer. Did you know that reindeer are the only deer in which both male and females grow antlers? And they shed them in the winter!
TANZANIA The Serengeti National Park in Tanzania was established in 1952. It is home to the greatest wildlife spectacle on earth - the great migration of wildebeest and zebra.
SAHARA DESERT, AFRICA Camels have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years. Used mostly for transport or to carry heavy loads, they also provide a source of milk, meat, and hair/wool.
BRAZIL Golden lion tamarin is a species of monkey. This beautiful animal inhabits swampy rainforests on the Atlantic coast of Brazil. 90% of their habitat has been already destroyed as a result of deforestation. There are only 1500 golden lion tamarins left in the wild.
SPAIN We don't have to go far. This beautiful cat, the iberian lynx, is an endangered species in Spain. If we don't care for it it may dissapear.
GREENLAND (ARCTIC) Polar bears are well adapted to survive in one of the harshest environments on our planet. As well as their thick fur, they have a layer of fat, that protects their bodies from the cold. Polar bears also have black skin and their fur isn't white but transparent! Sadly, these incredible creatures are classified as “vulnerable”. The biggest threat to polar bears is climate change.
INDIA Tigers belong to the big cat family. These carnivorous mammals are endangered. There was a total of 8 subspecies of tigers at one time but now only 5 are left. Bengal tiger is one of the largest species of tigers in the world.
Human Impact
What Can We Recycle?
- Save our natural resources and wildlife.
- Saves money
- Reduces pollution
- Saves energy
- Reduces landfill waste
- Creates jobs
Selling materials that are recycled offsets the additional costs of processing and collecting the recycled materials.
Using recycled materials avoids further environmental harm. It avoids new mining for metals, drilling for oil and the mass harvesting of trees.
Recycling helps to reduce the garbage in landfills that can take hundreds of years to break down. It also helps to preserve trees by reducing the need for new paper.
Recycling helps companies to reduce energy consumption because they do not have to produce new products from raw materials.
For every one job at a landfill or incinerator, there are 10 jobs in recycling and 25 in manufacturing based upon recycling.
When the garbage truck comes to your neighborhood to pick up the garbage, they take it to the landfill. Landfills over time fill up and can harm the environment.
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Insert brilliant contents here: text, images, links to videos and news...
Insert brilliant contents here: text, images, links to videos and news...
Insert brilliant contents here: text, images, links to videos and news...
Insert brilliant contents here: text, images, links to videos and news...
Donate what you don't need
Take your own bag to the grocery store, instead of asking for a plastic one.
Wash your plates and containers, instead of using plastic ones.
Turn used paper into art supplies or scrap paper
Instead of throwing things away that you might not use anymore, why not give them to someone else? For example, if you outgrow your clothes, you might have a younger sibling or friend that would be able to use them.
There are millions of things you can do to reuse paper!
Save Energy
Turn the faucet off while you are brushing your teeth.
Instead of turning the heat up at home, wear warmer clothes. It shouldn't feel like summer inside if it's winter outside! Find a happy medium.
Turn off all electronic devices such as the TV or the computer while you are not using them.
Take quick showers instead of baths. You waste 250 litres of water when you fill your bath tub!
Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
When you have to use the car, try to carpool. If more people are going to the same place as you are, give them a ride!
Don't start the dishwasher or the washing machine program if it isn't full yet. Fill it up first!
Use your bike or the public transport instead of a car.
Be Clean
- The same way you want to live in a clean house and you wouldn't litter the floor there, you mustn't litter outside. The Earth is everyone's house, and it's our duty to keep it clean, safe, healthy, beautiful...