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Motivating video

"Innovation starts with action", STEAM Erasmus+/ eTwinning project




How are we going to learn?

How are we going to evaluate?

What will we need?

Resources of interest


Coordinator: TURKEY Partners: Spain, Romania, Macedonia, Italy and UK.

The curriculums need to be revised because student motivation is not referred enough in STEAM subjects.Regarding this, the project has three main innovative approaches which enable students to be more participative in lessons:1.To increase readiness level of students in science and mathematics through art-in-museum activities2.To develop students’ competences in technology and engineering with use of lego robots in education.3.To combine all these 3D designs, QR codes, experiment video quizzes and robot programming activities in STEAM subjects.

Calendar Here is the Meeting Calendar for our TPM and TTL These dates were created in agreement with the partners in the meeting and with a online eTwinning Live webinar. UK: 19 - 25 March 2017 TTL Italy: 3-7 May 2017 Transnational Project Meeting Romania: 25 Sept-1 Oct. 2017 TTL Spain: 9 - 15 April 2018 TTL Macedonia: 7 - 11 May 2018 Transnational Project Meeting

Work process Students will work in teams and learn the handmade arts from each other. They will do experiments and explain their works with videos they will record and share their experiments. They prefer maths games and playing together. We will organise orienteering games with QR codes at school and outside in contact with nature before the workshops.The workshops have a lot of various activity stations, such as art, design and drawing activities, building circuits, carrying out an experiment, preparing a mathematical problem, writing a story or poem about their experiment, taking part in one of the coding activities with scratch or code org, helping the robot to move and giving the robot a code.Fisrt we work with traditional methods and after that students use the technology for example web 2.0 tools, 3D technologies, ipads, (cell) phones and computers. These approaches make it easy to provide particularly primary school students with basic skills in STEAM subjects and to teach technology, engineering, maths and science simultaneously. In addition, the students will be able to improve their basic coding and analytical thinking skills by writing instructions in lego robot. That will activate students’ problem solving abilities while it also helps them develop evaluate things from different perspectives. In this project the teachers will work the subjects in an integrated way , highten student motivation, adopt innovative approach, focus on coding training and make use of technology for a particular purpose. It will contribute to teachers’ professional development and they will keep themselves up to date. While preparing students for careers of the future, teachers will train individuals who can easily comprehend how to use robots, internet and other technological devices working on 3D technology and sensors.Museums are a source of inspiration for art. Examining art works of different cultures, we will integrate art activities with science, technology and mathematics.This will help teachers build up creative lesson plans for STEAM and students will have different perspectives, which will make them be more active and participative in lessons. It is evident that this will contribute to their academic success.For that reason,STEAM is of great importance. In a globalized world where nowadays internatonal interaction is easier and more common, exchange of ideas and experience between teachers in different countries will help new methods and techniques to be developed. Face-to-face dialogues will be especially effective for a common purpose that will strenghten mutual interaction so that they can teach STEAM subjects more efficiently and effectively. Before mobility begins, all the teachers participating in the project will be required to take an online GoLab course.

The teachers see that the pupils know how to activate the ideas they learned, that they know how to face the resolution of the problems they encounter, that they know how to work as a team, that they know how to recognize when they do not do it well and make good decisions for improvement. We will carry out questionnaires amongst students and teachers during our TPM and LLT, in order to analize achievements and problems, enabling us to carry out a feedback. The teachers will carry out webinars in order to coordinate the teaching - learning process.

What will we need? First, we will work with traditional methods and after that students will use the new technologies, for example, web 2.0 tools, 3D technologies, robots, physics-chemistry and science laboratory materials, ipad and computers...

Resources of interest

  • Web 2.0 ToolsLesson Plans and Learning scenarioshttp://learningdesigner.org/ http://www.golabz.eu/login Video and presentation toolshttps://biteable.com/ http://www.kizoa.com/ https://www.powtoon.com/ https://www.mysimpleshow.com/ https://www.fodey.com/generators/animated/talking_cat.asp https://animoto.com/home https://studio.stupeflix.com/en/ https://flixpress.com/ http://photopeach.com/ https://introcave.com/ Mobile applicationsiMovie Spark Stopmotion Free Online Photo Editor http://www.pizap.com/ http://www.fotor.com/ http://www.imagechef.com/