Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


What is hidden behind this door?

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Correct password! Now you can get in!

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Please type the 9 letter password for admittance.

Wrong password! Try again by pressing O.

If you really want to enjoy this party and avoid getting into troubles, you need to have some information about the people and their activities. Click

This place is not an illegal bar. Start looking around you by clicking on the house and find the hidden door.

Which numbers did you select for your answers?

Which numbers did you select for your answers?

You can tick this number on the QR code!

Click on number 0 if there is another number.

Wrong number! Try again by clicking on number 9.

Which numbers must you tick in the QR code ? Rank the numbers in the ascending order.

Which numbers must you tick in the QR code ? Rank the numbers in the ascending order.

Which numbers must you tick in the QR code ?Rank the numbers in the ascending order.

Which numbers must you tick in the QR code ? Rank the numbers in the ascending order.

Which numbers must you tick in the QR code ? Rank the numbers in the ascending order.

Congratulations ! You can tick these numbers on the QR code.