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Forms to obtain food resources

The transfer of matter and energy from one trophic level to the next follows the 10% rule.




10% Rule

In this process the human only will gets 10% of the cow and the 1% of the grass

In this process the cow only will gets 10% of the grass

Instability in ecosystems

These are the causes of biodiversity loss


Fossil fuels


Human overpopulation

The consequences of overpopulation include a growing demand for resources and space

Global envioronmental problems

  • Climate change
  • Destruction of the ozone layer
  • Air, water and soil pollution
  • Acid rain
  • Depleticon of natural resources
  • Biodiversity loss

Climate change

An increase of global temperature

Destruction of the ozone layer

Gases using refigerators and aerosol harm the ozone layer. They exposed organism on Earth to high levels of ultraviolet radiation


The accumulation of substances that are not naturally part of the envioronment.

Soil Pollution

Water pollution

Water pollution

Acid Rain

This caused by industrial burning of fossil fuels. They damaged plants, crops and soil,

Depletion of natural resources

Human activities led to overexplotation , fires deforestation, desertification, water polution and envioronmental deterioration


Tecnologic solutions

Social solutions

Valoritation of losses for solutions

The end