Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Find out the famous person


He was a painter

He was born in Spain

He lived in France

He was born in 1881

He painted 'Gernika'

He belonged to the cubism movement

The painter was...

Pablo Ruiz Picasso

Who was this person?


He was from the U.S.A.

He was an important inventor

He had more than one hundred inventions

He was born in 1847

The Simpsons have a chapter in his honour.

He invented the light bulb

The inventor was...

Thomas Alva Edison

Who was this person?


She discovered two chemical elements: Polonium and Radium.

Her husband was Pierre Curie.

She was the first woman teacher in the University of Paris.

She was a scientist.

She was French, though she was born in Poland.

She was awarded with two Nobel Prizes, in Physics and Chemists

The scientist was...

Maria Sklodovska

Who was this person?


She was born in La Rioja

She was a writer

She lived in Argentina

She was also a teacher

She defended the women's right to vote

She wrote many plays (theatre) and books like 'Gregorio y yo'

The writer was...

María de la O. Lejárraga

Who was this person?


He was an artist

He was born in Italy

He lived in the Rennaissance

He made some inventions, like the flying machine

He painted the 'Mona Lisa' and the 'Last supper'

He drew 'The Vitrubian man'

The artist was...

Leonardo Da Vinci

Who was this person?


She was Austrian

She worked as an actress

She studied engineering and mechanics

She discovered WiFi systems

She lived in the U.S.A.

She investigated about secret codes

The inventor was...

Hedy Lamarr


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