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Now, click on the INFORMATION logo ...read Bansky's biography and then click on the bottom left hand corner of the mural. GOOD LUCK!


You're doing great! Now click on the link below and read the FIRST PARAGRAPH CAREFULLY. https://www.theverge.com/2013/2/18/4002510/banksy-stolen-child-labor-mural-for-sale-in-online-auction When you're done click on the child's foot.

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What does Bansky denounce here? Click on the small building on the right side of the photo to check if you were right.

Well done. 1) Click on the link below and watch the video. You may need to watch it several times. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/art/news/banksy-dover-brexit-eu-flag-mural-artist-claims-responsibility-a7722746.html 2) Now click on this link https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/europe/banksy-s-anti-brexit-dover-mural-covered-in-white-scaffolding-1.902537 Are you ready for the next challenge? Click at the bottom of the ladder.

https://news.artnet.com/art-world/anti-brexit-mural-banksy-appears-overnight-dover-951626 Anti-Brexit Mural by Banksy Appears Overnight in Dover | artnet NewsOn Sunday, a mural by Banksy depicting a builder removing a star from the flag of the European Union appeared in Dover, southeast England. Banksy's...artnet News Yes, he indeed denounced the Brexit in 2017. Now click on the "3 o'clock star". :-)

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This mural appeared mid-March 2018 in NYC. CLICK HERE

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Learn more about this mural. Click on the link below. You need to watch the video and read the information before moving on. https://artistsatriskconnection.org/story/zehra-dogan If you're done click on the three bars in the bottom right hand corner.

Last activity, click here

GAME CHANGER (May 2020, UK) Banksy left a note for hospital workers, saying: “Thanks for all you’re doing. I hope this brightens the place up a bit, even if it’s only black and white.” After lockdown measures are lifted, the piece – which is approximately one metre square – will be put on public display. It will then be auctioned to raise money for NHS charities, a spokeswoman for Banksy confirmed. CLICK HERE

What happened to this artwork? Click on the link, read the article, watch the video and be ready to recap next class. After that, your work is done for now. https://www.theverge.com/2013/2/18/4002510/banksy-stolen-child-labor-mural-for-sale-in-online-auction