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Valentina Crespo, Sofia Ravenna, Pilar Nieves, Agustina Arostegui y Mayra Schliemann
+ Say please, thank you and you're welcome
+ Arrive in time 
+ You must arrive in your formal uniform and then change into your sport outfit
+ After the match congratulate the other team no matter the result
+ Whrn finished the mtch both teams share a meal together 
+ In shops there's only one line and to try to muscle your way to the front is seen as rude (If hurry, ask)
+ In a restaurant the person who made the invitation usually pays 
+ Don`t arrive unannounced (Unless they told you to)
+ Take off your hat indoor
+ If they invite you to their house you should gbring them a gift

In the street
Manners in the UK
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Valentina Crespo, Sofia Ravenna, Pilar Nieves, Agustina Arostegui y Mayra Schliemann

+ Say please, thank you and you're welcome+ Arrive in time

+ You must arrive in your formal uniform and then change into your sport outfit+ After the match congratulate the other team no matter the result + Whrn finished the mtch both teams share a meal together

+ In shops there's only one line and to try to muscle your way to the front is seen as rude (If hurry, ask)+ NO TIPS + In a restaurant the person who made the invitation usually pays

+ Don`t arrive unannounced (Unless they told you to)+ Take off your hat indoor + If they invite you to their house you should gbring them a gift

In the street

In the field

In a guest house

Manners in the UK