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Guess the sports

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Which sport is it?


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It is played on a court.

There are 5 players on each team.

An orange ball is needed.

The FUBB is the governing body in Uruguay.

Boys and girls can play it.

A lot of people play it in Uruguay.


Which sport is it?


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It is played on a field.

There are 11 players on each team.

A round ball is needed.

Latin Americans love this sport.

Boys and girls can play it.

A lot of people play it in Uruguay.


Which sport is it?


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It is played on a court.

There are 2 or 4 players in a match.

A small ball is needed.

Rafael Nadal is a very famous player of this sport.

Boys and girls can play it.

Few people play it in Uruguay.


Which sport is it?


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It is played on a field.

There are 15 players on a team and up to 7 substitutes.

The ball used for this sport is not round.

All Blacks is one of the most important teams in the world.

It is usually played by boys.

It is very important in Australia and New Zealand.